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FORCED CELEBACY!?!?!? Would you...?


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My gf of 4 years suddenly stopped wanting to be touched in any way, not even hugs!. This sudden change started about 6 months ago when she pushed me away from a goodbye kiss. I was completely stunned! Just a year ago she was interested in all parts of the relationship, especially the sexual and cuddling stuff. She says "I'm depressed", she even has a sexual abuse history....yet...why does she do this so suddenly and refuse to discuss it at all?!?


Despite this, she expects me to maintain monogamy with her. This comes out to being "forced celebacy" for me. Any other day I would tell her off and end the relationship, and move far enough away as to end all contact with her. but I spent several thousands of dollars to move where I live to be with her. It is a rural town with NO out lesbians, and I have 2 more years of school. IT just seems like I'm forced into this pattern by circumstances with no way out until graduation. Now I'M depressed!


I don't know what to do. Where I lived before there was ways for me to meet new people and I would just leave her. Tha'ts not true now. What would you folks do?

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The option of what to do is simple. Get rid of her…if what you say is true then she appears to want it over with anyways and does not have the courage to do it herself so she is forcing it on you. As far as being alone is concerned, it hurts less to be alone than with someone who refuses affection. If you indeed would dump her if you had more options then you are hanging on more for the company than for the relationship.


I hope this help.




Otto M.

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  • 2 months later...

People with a history of abuse often have trouble with boundaries, when it is a good touch/bad touch type of thing. Give her some time to think about how she feels. Four years is a long time to be just boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe she is growing tired of the same old things over and over. If she loves you she knows how to find you!

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