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Dealing with Anxiety


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Does anybody have any tips for when your mind is just running wild and your anxiety is making you paranoid about everything? I have a tendency to get caught in a downward spiral of overthinking and overanalyzing and imagining the absolute worst case scenarios for everything, and sometimes it gets so bad that I just feel totally overwhelmed. I try to remind myself that these thoughts are probably due much more to my anxiety than they are to anything logical or rational, but there are days when even that doesn't help. Anybody else with anxiety have any helpful methods that they use to deal with those moments?

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I also see a therapist, but I'm only seeing her once a month currently. I've been considering upping that to twice a month since my anxiety levels seem to be increasing lately, but it is somewhat expensive. I can afford it though if I need to, and I'm thinking I might be at that point. Especially since I just started a new relationship, and I'm realizing I have a lot more emotional and trust issues than I even thought I did. Probably as a result of my last relationship which ended earlier this year.

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I have the same issues. I see a psychologist and we are using thought record sheets at the moment. U can find them online. Look up selfhelp.org too. I am now reading up on buddhism and meditation / mindfulness. See you GP. I get prescribed propranalol. Also get some exercise. I also take a break from social media for awhile and do reading, decorating, cleaning and more importantly spending time with positive people and my family xxx

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Same as you :/.


I had help dealing with my anxiety.. it was so overwhelming.. For abt a year i was medicated.. could not function

After yr my meds changed.. for diff reasons,.


I also learned coping mechanisms.. what you can try is grounding techniques.. eg.. look for things of certain colour in your room..

Feel things, I often play with a bracelet.. or my lypsil.. or keys, etc

Smell- aroma's


Also, a good show/ music can get me to 'change my mode'.


Go make a tea- focus on that very thing.

Go have a nice warm bath/ shower


Just things to occupy your mind.. I also do crafts :)

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Is there anything in your life that helps you get out of your head? A sport? A hobby? Something that you know just calms the nerves, a touch, when they get agitated?


Not offering that as a panacea or substitute for heavy hitters—therapy, medication, etc.—but I know having a little (or not so little in my case) arsenal along those lines is essential for me.

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I exercise daily, eat smart and take care of my health. I also have hobbies. Currently, I've been sewing quilts for my family and friends. I also enjoy calligraphy, creating greeting cards for all occasions, embossing, scrapbooking, cooking, reading library books (autobiographies are my favorite), watch high quality movies occasionally, take daily walks with my husband and sons, walks and picnics with friends (social distancing / masks). These types of activities are healthy distractions. I've also had time to declutter and organize my house. I enjoy staying busy. :smug: Idle hands are the devil's workshop! :upset:


If you sit around and have too much time on your hands, your mind wanders towards negativity and you'll forget how to be grateful.


Balance in life is important. Also, cell phones, computers and TV are huge time traps. Learn to turn electronics OFF or stay away from them because they waste a lot of time and energy. Be more active, productive and industrious. Get a lot done. When you don't have downtime to feel anxious or depressed, you'll be too fatigued to make brain space for anxiety or depressive thoughts. You'll feel more positive, hopeful and upbeat. A new mindset helps you to feel strong, tough and courageous. Don't let life beat you down.

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Does anybody have any tips for when your mind is just running wild and your anxiety is making you paranoid about everything? I have a tendency to get caught in a downward spiral of overthinking and overanalyzing and imagining the absolute worst case scenarios for everything, and sometimes it gets so bad that I just feel totally overwhelmed. I try to remind myself that these thoughts are probably due much more to my anxiety than they are to anything logical or rational, but there are days when even that doesn't help. Anybody else with anxiety have any helpful methods that they use to deal with those moments?


I'm not sure if what you're expressing is general anxiety. Are these almost panic attacks? You used the word paranoia. I agree with Bolt and Wiseman. Best to get a doctor's evaluation or re-evaluation. The therapy isn't helping you or it's not at a level or frequency that is helpful enough. Take a closer look also at the new relationship and what those triggers are. Maybe this person isn't good for you either or has characteristics that you're drawn to but should avoid.

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Does anybody have any tips for when your mind is just running wild and your anxiety is making you paranoid about everything? I have a tendency to get caught in a downward spiral of overthinking and overanalyzing and imagining the absolute worst case scenarios for everything, and sometimes it gets so bad that I just feel totally overwhelmed. I try to remind myself that these thoughts are probably due much more to my anxiety than they are to anything logical or rational, but there are days when even that doesn't help. Anybody else with anxiety have any helpful methods that they use to deal with those moments?


Can you give an example of the paranoia?

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Find an outlet to channel that anxiety into, preferably something productive. Take up a hobby, something your into that can help focus you on something else.


Health is a major component as well. Eat smart, exercise, get plenty of sleep. Keeping our bodies healthy can help our mental state and vice versa.


While medication can help, it won't address the core issues causing this. Plus, the body will adjust and you'll need to take something else or higher doses. If you can find alternatives, it would be useful. Maybe these can give you something to start with:




If all else fails, color. I know a good number of people who find adult coloring books to be relaxing, calming, and therapeutic.

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