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He unblocked and contacted me because of corona

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I have been in a situationship for more then 2 years. Lots of things happened on both our sides. Don't want to go into too many details but it was emotionally draining on several occasions.


More then a month ago I decided to cut things off, he responded by blocking me everywhere. It was hard to notice that but it confirmed that I made the right decision.


I used the time after that to continue working on myself (still am) and even despite the whole corona situation, I can honestly say I have made great progress.


Until this week when I suddenly got a message from him (so he unblocked me) asking if I was staying safe. I felt shocked and a bit surprised. I took a day to think about whether to respond or not. I eventually did. We talked a bit about how we were both coping. He said that he was a bit worried about me and how I was handling the whole situation.


I appreciate that he reached out to see how I am doing but it also feels like I am taking a step back in my healing process. I am going back to No Contact again.


Anyone else who experienced this kind of reach out during this whole corona situation?

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I did. I responded and thanked for the thought. End of convo.


I also reached out to people who prior to the COVID19, clearly did not want to pursue contact with me. I was responded and I left it at that.


Sometimes for the lack of any good activity, I would randomly text and will not get any response. Oh well.


Thank him for thinking about you, assure him you are being safe and hope he does the same. End of convo.

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You did the right thing by remaining polite, well mannered, respectful and then NC (no contact) again. If you really don't want him to contact you in the future, ignore, ghost, block and delete permanently.


There were a few people who've reached out to me, too. I was cordial but rather "blah" towards them. If there is no relationship due to past transgressions and should my paths cross with them whether in person or electronically (text / message / email / voice mail / social media / phone chat), I'm gracious, cordial, kind yet impersonal, deliberately distant, frosty and brief. It's called being a peaceful person and having peaceful relationships with others even if you don't like them, feel apathetic towards them, don't wish to bother with efforts to be too nice and don't wish to be bothered, period. It's called practicing good diplomacy for the sake of peace between two awkward parties.


After that, we revert to NC (no contact) again. There were no war of words to be had and all is good. As long as there is a peaceful situation, it's fine. Estrangement equals peace. Or, semi-estrangement equals peace, too. It works.

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its just been a month give it some more time and the ex will realize that you dont want to do anything with them.


blocking them on social media, delete mails before they reach inbox, blocking on phones, making sure you don't get notifications for spam calls and msgs, few simple things can help you on your healing path.


Many online sites, resources offer free courses to uograde your skills, you dont think about yourself due to the doors we keep open for the exs to contact us.


Just close that door, free yourself focus on your growth because this time is for you, they came in your life to teach you a lesson, learn and keep moving ahead.

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