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Ex messaging despite having new GF


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My boyfriend of a year broke up with me in October pretty out of the blue, and by November agreed to stop talking to each other to help us both move on. We messaged Merry Christmas and then didn't speak again though he always liked all my social media posts. I was in his town in March and bumped into him in the street and suggested we went for coffee which we did and was really nice. Immediately afterwards he messaged to say he'd love to do it again whenever I'm next in town and I agreed. We continue messaging and he reveals he is 'seeing someone' but we carry on chatting replying to each other every 24 hours but have been messaging consistently for a month now. Thing is three days ago he posted a load of photos with his new girlfriend (something he never did with me) and its become clear they've been together since about a month after the breakup and are much more serious than I realised. However the ex is still finding random reasons to message me and I'm not sure what he's up to. Is it just that he feels bad knowing those pictures with his new gf would upset me? Does he genuinely want to be friends? Or is he using me because he's lonely (she lives abroad outside of term time and term has ended due to the pandemic so they likely won't see each other for a while)?


In all honesty I do still have feelings for him so I'm worried I'm reading what I want into the situation so would love to know people's thoughts.


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Here's what I think happened:


The "out of the blue" break up occurred because he met this girl and wanted to date her. But things weren't set in stone with her, so he kept the line of communication with you open.


A month later, she became a sure thing. So, he let you off the hook.


Now that he has no access to his girlfriend, he needs someone to pay attention to him again.


He's a monkey-brancher. He doesn't want to be alone.

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I'll try saying this as nicely as possible, although there really is no nice way to say it. He liked the looks of her better and left you for her.


He basically kept you on the back burner in case she didn't want him, she did, so he dropped you like a bad habit.


But now she's out of reach and he's using you as second best.


Block this idiot, he is treating you as badly as a man can. Don't be his second choice or back up plan.

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It's easy and comfortable for him. One here, one there. She may not know about you. If you want to be the local squeeze ok, but why wouldn't want to move on to someone who loves you, didn't dump you and doesn't want to play the field like this? He likes to cheat, if you think you'll get hurt, reconsider.

they've been together since about a month after the breakup and are much more serious than I realised. she lives abroad outside of term time and term has ended due to the pandemic so they likely won't see each other for a while.
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i like to keep things simple. if someone breaks up with anyone, they don't deserve a second chance. why? because if they found it in themselves to break up with you once, then a)that's their call and b) they are more likely to do it again to you in the future (assuming you go back to them).


i know you still have feelings for him, but step back and look at the situation objectively. he ended it, so it's his loss. i wouldn't even stay friends or even social media. that is just going to make it harder for you to move on.


i hope this helps!

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Do you think a person who has a girlfriend and who apparently is also in touch with an ex can be a good boyfriend to you or any girl?

Why do you want friendship with someone like that?

The answer is there within you, his actions are telling you everything

The guy cannot be trusted and you will find that staying away and looking after yourself is the best decision you have ever made.

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Guys like this are a dime a dozen... hes so cool. Keeping your attention but he has a gf. Oh how this story must play in his head. He's the man.


He's using you to stroke his ego with how great he is.. his little narrative. And if he loses his gf, he'll use you more, until he finds another gf.


The best thing you can do is unfriend and block on all social media and contact.


Don't be confused and don't let people be confused, you are not a puppet. command respect. you do that by removing anyone that doesn't respect you. very simple.

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