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Why would I girl joke around with me about liking me?


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Long story short, a girl and I were in a pretty confusing situation. We were friends with benefits but as it commonly occurs, it got confusing and we decided to stick with just being friends. We got really close over a short amount of time and ended up hooking up 4 more times after that.


After we finally drew the line, she would still continue to cross boundaries. I was going to a party that a couple of her friends were at, and she told me "don't get swooped up by my hot a** friends". Another night, she randomly texted me and asked me if I was talking to anybody trying to make her jealous. Once again I just didn't know how to respond. Yes, I did like her, and I liked her a lot. She knew I liked her, and I was so thrown off and confused as to why she was saying that stuff.


I wasn't wishful thinking, but I didn't know why she would even consider saying those things if she didn't like me. It just didn't make sense. So last night, I texted and asked her why she was doing this, and that it was confusing me. She said she was saying those things as a joke. She was like 'I didn't know it was that confusing for you'. The way she was responding was like she was trying to make me feel stupid. But I had no idea she was joking. I've never had a girl joke about that stuff, let alone send mixed signals for such a long time. Is it just me, or if a girl says that to a guy like in my situation , isn't that a little confusing? Why would a girl do that? I'm just kinda surprised and caught off guard. What do you guys think? I really want to wrap my head around this...

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She doesn't want to date you, but she doesn't want you to find a girlfriend before she finds a boyfriend.


She wants to keep you to herself until she doesn't need your company and attention anymore, and then she'll fade out of your life.

exactly this. she likes attention. And she knew she was trying to make you feel stupid and thus question yourself. Its called gaslighting.


Get away from this girl. She's an ass.

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I would tell her "You had your chance with me, but didn't want me. So I am free to date who I please." I would honestly ditch her or remove her to the far periphery of your life (cordial when you run into eachother ok), because there are many threads here by women who starts to date a guy like you - then the ex-fwb that he "only sees as a friend" which may be true starts marking her territory, or the new gf can't take going out with your friends knowing that one friend slept with you and interprets touches, the way you talk to eachother as a threat or a lack of boundary. I would expand your friend circle and leave her behind.

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