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Feeling really isolated


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Do not have sex until he is unrelapsed from his 'sex addiction'. You need to divorce him asap. While he is chatting and cheating, take that time to reach out to an attorney and discuss your options in divorce and plan your freedom from him. Also use telemedicine resources to get help from doctors, therapists, etc. If possible, leave and stay with family. It won't get better, it will just cycle and you'll be in constant strife.

Found out my husband relapsed and was chatting with other women again. No one knows about his addiction
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I'm sorry you've had to deal with that! I would consider leaving him, that would be my personal morals though. But cheating and doing that is one of the lowest things. I hope you sort this out and get all the support you need. It may pay to tell a close friend or someone you trust as a support system during all this.

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Found out my husband relapsed and was chatting with other women again. No one knows about his addiction and I’m feeling super isolated and hopeless. I guess just looking for some support...


This sounds like my first husband. It's just MVHO, but I can tell you based on my own experiences- this is VERY difficult to change. He has to want to change and addiction is VERY difficult to overcome. Not impossible, but VERY challenging. If you want him to change, you are going to HAVE to talk to him about it. It will not change on its own. But you must understand that sometimes, addictions don't just go away. This may be a lifelong struggle for him. You need to decide that IF this is a lifelong thing- are you willing to accept that he is likely to either have it forever and or even if he mostly has it under control- he may have occasional "slips" that require your help OR you decide it's a deal-breaker that you cannot deal with in the long-term.


In either case, do not expect this to simply disappear and never rear its head. Addiction is just not that easy or simple to overcome in the long term. VERY few people hurdle it once and forever after.


You need to think about what you want, what you can live with, and if you feel like this is a journey of possible lifelong struggle that you are willing to endure with him or not.

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