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Did I miss my chance with her?

Bill Nye

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Theres a girl I like and well it probably is too late but three months ago she had (I think) asked me to the school dance and I had told her "Maybe" because I was shocked at her asking me a question like that since I didn't think she would ask me a question like that at all (and she gave me other signs that she liked me but I didn't really pick up on it)


Then she started to avoid me since that day and I've talked to her at times but she doesn't seem interested in talking anymore but will still talk to me at times.


I've felt really hurt at everything that's happened.

I wish I had tried to fix things before but I didn't really know what to do and well now it's been 3 months and I've probably missed my chance and it sucks. I truly regret saying "Maybe" and wished that I could've went to the dance with her and I wish I could fix things now and could've been more than friends but I probably can't now. It really sucks.

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I feel hurt because I feel like I can't fix things? I asked her out the week before Christmas and she told me she couldn't because she was getting picked up right afterschool but I'm just going to ask her one more time and I wanted to know if I should apologize to her even though it was awhile ago? Maybe if she tells me no I'll tell her that I'm sorry for what happened before and would like to fix things with her

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