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I've been friendly and been on a date with a girl we've been close for a while. She then was distant but then yesterday she told me shed abused and that she had never told anyone even her ex of 7 years after we text last night and it was fine and she seemed so happy to have told me about how she's behaving. But then today she mentioned she has a new friend and that he showed a pic of his brother and said he was fit she has never nothing before. She saw I was talking to a new girl for a while yesterday I'm just confused is she telling me because she sees me as a friend is she trying to make me jealous because she knows I like her I'm confused help needed please.

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I'm really confused at your post. Are you saying that her new friend fixed her up with his brother? Dude, if she's telling you about her dating life, all the while confiding in you about her abusive past and potential dates/boyfriends, you are fully friend-zoned, and this girl is a disaster area of emotional baggage you don't want to touch with a 10-foot pole.


If you're seeing and posting pictures of other women to make her jealous, you have some growing up to do. These tactics pretty much always backfire, and when lobbing this at an emotionally unstable woman with 7 years of baggage who's playing games and running hot and cold with you romantically, it will not turn out well.


Remove yourself from the drama.


I agree with this:

People who run hot and cold and come up with excuses, including emotional baggage, are not good candidates for romance. There are other cute, fun women in the world who don't have issues like that. Free yourself from this dead end and go find a keeper.
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