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My break up with my ex.


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Basically , me and my ex girlfriend have been broken up now for about 4 months and a half. After our break up awhile after me and a new girl started talking and began to talk regularly and flirt. One day we hung out and she took a picture of us but blurred out face and posted it. My ex saw this and asked if it was me and I told her no when it was actually me. Fast forward now she found out it was and knows all of the conversations of me and the girl after texting her and blocked me on everything , returned everything I gave to her . I broke her trust bad and it was dumb of me to do that and I regret it all ... what should I do?

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Basically , me and my ex girlfriend have been broken up now for about 4 months and a half. After our break up awhile after me and a new girl started talking and began to talk regularly and flirt. One day we hung out and she took a picture of us but blurred out face and posted it. My ex saw this and asked if it was me and I told her no when it was actually me. Fast forward now she found out it was and knows all of the conversations of me and the girl after texting her and blocked me on everything , returned everything I gave to her . I broke her trust bad and it was dumb of me to do that and I regret it all ... what should I do?


How is this any of your ex's business?

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I don’t know why you lied about it - you weren’t doing anything wrong. 🤷♀️


I just said this in another thread but... maturity is knowing not to ask questions you don’t really want the answer to. She was being immature. And for your part - you should learn just not to answer those types of questions. Lying just compounds the issue.


Just forget about it. It was none of her business anyways.

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Um. I don't understand the post...


If you still had feelings for your ex you really shouldn't of started seeing someone else four months after.


4 months after a breakup isn't a lot of time and unless the break up was brutal, depending on how long you've been dating you dont really assume an ex would publicly pursue another woman, some people (no matter how bad the break up is) hold some kind of hope that reconciliation is still an option.


The second you started talking to someone else, in girl language you basically told her that you were moving on and that she needed to do the same because you're onto the next one. Whether the breakup was bad or not feelings don't just stop randomly, she could be done with you in terms of the relationship but still in love with you in terms of her actual emotions and feelings. I did something else similar to my ex boyfriend, I found out he started looking somewhere else and it crushed me, I blocked him on everything because he moved on and analyzing his actions; him pursing someone else told me that he was over me (even if he didnt exclusively verbalize this himself).


For further reference: if you love someone and that person loves you in return, pursuing another relationship can be seen as a betrayal. You didn't cheat on her but your actions told her to move on.


You don't owe your ex any explanation and I'm sure she regrets checking up on you (doesn't matter what method she took to obtain that information) and she's probably hurt about it.


It's safe to say that this girl isn't a problem. She put her nose in your situation and got hurt.


There's nothing you can do to retrace your steps at this point. If you're still into her and you pursue her, she will always think you're doing it because it didn't work our with the other girl. There will always be this weird "i was the second choice" vibe.


You should leave this girl alone. She is clearly in pain and needed to erase you completely. Analyzing her emotions and accusing her of being the crazy gf is pointless. She breached your privacy and got hurt in the process and then she retreated away. End of story

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