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My life is going nowhere

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So for the past 4 years I was registered in University. The situation is I've only completed 12 credits worth since joining. In 2015 I had developed psychosis. Years later I am now off medication (with Dr's suggestion) I've ended up in the psych ward in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 every January it had seemed I would be in there. This forced me to withdraw from classes each year. I cannot apply for any funding as I'm unqualified now for funding. My life is pretty much going nowhere.


I don't have a drivers license. I do have a college diploma though that I did attain in 2013 after starting college in 2011. Currently I am trying to get a job. I am going to try get my license this summer and get a job by September and start paying for a Education Assistant program. I just need to get a birth certificate and then I can go write the beginners test and once I pass that. I can try do my road test. As in 2012 I got my permit in another province. So I won't have to wait 9 months to take the road test.


I do have a lovely sense of humour though despite all this "life passing me by" phase. So what should I focus on? I gave up on dating awhile ago, I think I seem too unstable for a relationship with my mood disorder I've developed in 2015.


I don't play sports anymore. But I enjoy watching. I cook really well and its always very delicious when I cook something for me and my roommates.

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I sense you are in a funk this morning. Its ok. That happens to the best of us. Just don't let your mood become your attitude and you will be fine. To be honest it already sounds like you are fine. You have plans, goals and things you enjoy. In between listing the things going wrong you list all the things going right. Perspective is important. Take a shower and get out the house. Its a good day

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A degree doesn't make you a successful person. Once you grasp that, then you can focus better on what you are actually good at. If you love to write, then work on that. If you love to cook, there is a business and a career in that too. Maybe for you, it's a case of do what you love, rather than just follow what others dictate you "should" do.


Why stop sports? Exercise does help.


There is a lot of research done about seasonal instability and some people being affected in the extreme. You might want to look into that if you have this pattern of tanking only in the depths of winter. Work with a doctor on anticipating it and what to do about it before it gets out of control. If you have a steady pattern, then you can anticipate and get on top of it before it gets bad. Food for thought.

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A degree doesn't make you a successful person.


I couldn't agree more.


OP, have you also interned anywhere or looked for volunteer positions as an education assistant? I think getting that BC and drivers license is important to you. You have things you're working on. Have you talked with your doctor about your plans and do you have any ongoing treatment or referrals for your mood disorder?

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I see my mental health worker regularly. I would love a job as an educational assistant.


There aren't any cooking jobs I'd want. But I would want to cook for a business looking for a cook with a secret recipe for making pizza and chicken. Everyone who tries my pizza and chicken. (wings and breasts) they would 5 star it out of 5. I do have a well known reputation around my city for people who know me as a provocative opinionated person. Also my sense of humour tends to give the people in my city that I'm approachable.


I need a business plan I THINK!

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My husband is a chef. He switched from being a creative director in a cushy office to cooking school many years ago and has been working in the restaurant industry for awhile now. Restaurant businesses are tough and they do require a sense of humour. Keep dreaming and planning! Stay motivated, continue seeing your social worker, find and ask about new ways to improve and think of things and stick with one plan you can really see through.

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