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Should I unblock my ex?


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She broke up with me 3 months ago because she didn’t want a relationship starting college next year. We’d been dating a few weeks, but we had known each other a while before dating so the relationship was already fairly serious, she said she loved me. She pretty much said “ya once I get to college we might have to break up if I get stressed out cause you know me I always get stressed lol”. It broke my heart, not only that she wanted to break up but that she would tell me like it meant nothing to her and that I was expected to just be fine with it. She was surprised when I reacted negatively to it, it sounded like she wanted to stay together for the 6 months until she left. I told her that I didnt want a relationship like that and she knew I didn’t and so we’d have to break up right then and there. She basically took it all back and tried to convince me that she was just stressed out and overreacting. And since I loved her so much I believed her. We tried to make things work for a few more weeks but it ultimately ended because of her going to college. After we officially broke up I blocked her on fb and her number. But we work together, and ever since she’s seemed to try to go out of her way to be near me and her and her friends are always looking over at me and I don’t know what to do. I’m still completely in love with this girl, I’m not afraid to admit that. But part of me sees it as just asking for trouble, not to mention I have no idea what shes actually thinking. But how am I supposed to know if I’m ruining an opportunity for us to be together again like we were in the beginning when everything was perfect? now the idea of unblocking her is driving me crazy, just the thought of her wanting me back is intoxicating, especially since I blocked her before we got to talk too much towards the end since I was just so mad that she treated me the way she did. But I just don’t know what to do now.

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Broken up for 3 months, you dated for a few weeks and you told each other you loved each other. You have know each other a while before dating, but I think you saying that is just trying to strengthen your point that there really was something there. However, the fact is that you only dated a few weeks. That the timing wasn't right doesn't matter. If she really cared going to college wouldn't matter. I think you see much more in the relationship than she does.


I understand you are in love with her, but that's all there is. It's an unhealthy infatuation with someone who isn't available to you. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's love, as it isn't. Love takes (a long) time to develop, infatuation can happen instantly. You dated for a FEW WEEKS!. It's time to let go. She'll let you know if she wants something. Unblock her if you can handle not being romantically involved with her, as it doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon.


My own personal opinion is that blocking people is a terrible action if they aren't manipulating/stringing you along. It shows you are too weak to deal with the breakup and it closes the door. How can you show you are strong if you take away the option of being weak (not blocking her and not contacting is much stronger than simply blocking)? And how can you rebuild a relationship if you take away the option of contact? I suggest unblocking her and telling her you are there if she wants to rebuild the relationship. Until then, no contact from your side. If she messages you with random stuff, keep it short and lighthearted. If they are breadcrumbs (like a simple hi), return the favor by stating the exact same thing. This means if she just says hi, you say hi a few hours to a day later. Never, ever, ever, put in more effort than the dumper.

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She gave you a great gift before leaving...Freedom. Take it. Let her go and keep her and all her people deleted and blocked from social media. Don't hover in the friendzone or act like a hurt puppy. It's not a good look. In the meantime start meeting and dating other girls.

She pretty much said “ya once I get to college we might have to break up if I get stressed out cause you know me I always get stressed lol”. After we officially broke up I blocked her on fb and her number. But we work together, and ever since she’s seemed to try to go out of her way to be near me and her and her friends are always looking over at me
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