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Should I go to the party?

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Okay so here's my dilemma. I work at a place with a bunch of teenage girls (no boys at all), and a few of the girls are seniors graduating high school. One of the girls Invited me to her graduation party this weekend, and seemed really excited to have me there. The only issue is that I'm a year younger so I don't know any of her friends. I don't typically get invited to these kinds of things. I don't know whether it's better to skip because I don't know the group, or go because a friend invited me. This girl has always been super sweet to me at work and I don't want to regret my choice.


Thanks for reading! Any insight is much appreciated!

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Are you a guy or girl? Is it a problem it's all girls? Well you could go if you like but probably not a huge deal if you just make up some reason and don't go if you don't feel up to it? In any case you should probably thank the person for the invite?

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You may not know the group yet, but if you're a fairly sociable kind of person you should get to meet some of them during the course of the party! Could you go, and ask your friend to maybe introduce you to a couple of people so you're not alone? I know I've been at parties where the hostess has asked me discreetly if I could "look after" a friend of theirs who didn't know anyone else - worked fine!


If you really like this girl then it would be a pity to miss out on a special occasion like this!

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I like the idea of bringing a friend. That way you have someone to talk to no matter what. Plan to go. You don't have to stay, but make an appearance. These parties are fun and you can meet all kinds of people. I met one of my BFs (me senior, he college freshman) at one of these high school parties and friends from other schools. It could turn out to be a blast, but if it's not, you have someone to hang around with for a polite period of time and he can also be your excuse to leave (he's not feeling well; parents are being butts and he has to go; early work in the morning, etc.). Bottom line is if you like this girl, go. Even if you're not interested in her, think of the girls you'll meet at this party! Exercise your social skills. The world is filled with meeting strangers and attending events where you don't know people.

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Go. Bring a small gift and enjoy meeting new people. There will be food, music, lots of other people, etc. Make some small talk with people, laugh and have fun. She did not invite you with a friend/date so do not bring someone.

a few of the girls are seniors graduating high school. One of the girls Invited me to her graduation party this weekend
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I agree, you should go! Bring a small gift, and you can always say you have other obligations if you want to leave early. Grad parties are pretty informal and are usually a revolving door of people, no biggie if you want to leave early, at least you made the effort to make an appearance!

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I am also a girl. I not able to bring a friend, seems like a more intimate friend gathering than that.


That sounds nice. Agree with the gift bit. Never go empty handed to a party. Maybe, some chocolates or some kind of dessert.


Go and have fun!

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