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My cousin brags his grades and I can’t stand him

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I study computer science in the same university as my cousin does. He is a year younger than me and he aces every single course with a perfect score. I’m glad for him, but the thing is, how he communicates that to me. The problem is that he has the need to communicate that to me, with a brag face. I don’t have a relationship with him. We never text or go out and ever since he started studying in the same uni as me, he has never EVER invited me to study together, with his friends, even after I requested if he could invite me. What bothers me so much besides that is if I even text him to tell me how’s he doing, (that I do once in year tbh I can’t stand him) he’ll tell me “oh I got a promotion on this class, the teacher told me I was so good on it” and even when we see each other at uní (god I wish we wouldn’t) he would just -without me asking- explode telling me all the grades he got on every single exam, with a stupid little “I’m better than anyone here including you” face that I can’t stand. I just can’t. Tomorrow it’s his birthday and I wish I couldn’t go to his house because I simply cannot stand him at all. If he was just a little bit humble, I’d stand him a little bit. I never tell him mi grades, I passed two finals and I didn’t have the need to tell him because I think it’s just plain stupid. I really want to tell him something so he can notice that I’m mad about this, I just want to punch him in the face lmao he is so dumb. What can I do????? Ofc I can’t change the way he is 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and I can picture the day where he get his degree. I don’t even wanna be there celebrating with him I can’t stand him

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Pillover. Oh I've known so many countless people just like your cousin. Don't say anything. Always remain gracious but it doesn't mean you have to stand there and listen to him boast. You can always make your graceful exit somehow. Even when you attend his birthday party, let him blab all he wants but politely do something else such as converse with someone else. You don't have to stick to your cousin like glue.


Don't text to ask how he's doing otherwise he'll never shut up. Keep him at arm's length.


And let him boast and brag. You can't control him. Sooner or later, he will face harsh consequences by someone else. It doesn't have to be you. Life and people whether friends, acquaintances or even strangers will put him in his place one day and sooner than you think. He can't get away with being a braggart forever. One of these days someone will silence him and he'll force himself to take a huge bite of humble pie.


I've found the ones who boast the most don't do as well as the ones who remained silent, modest and humble even well into adulthood. I see it all around me. The loudest ones don't do anywhere near as well academically and financially as those who quietly succeed. This has been my experience when observing people throughout my lifetime.


Just ignore him. Focus on yourself and the people who behave respectfully. Remain civil with your cousin but it doesn't mean you have to be close, tight and chummy with him. Keep a safe distance and don't respond. He's trying to get a rise out of you. Don't give him the satisfaction. He wants to see you squirm and make you feel like zero. Remain cool, don your best poker face and remain self confident while you keep your mouth shut. Become a fine example by showing him and those around you what class is. You'll be alright.

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He never actually said this. It's your interpretation. He likes patting himself on the back. Lots of people are happy when they win something, achieve something, do well in something and like to share their happy news,so? Don't let jealousy eat you up. Focus on your own personal best and consider joining a study group yourself. Try to develop a more positive attitude toward yourself and you won't hate people who have their own happiness or achievements. This has nothing to do with him.

with a stupid little “I’m better than anyone here including you” face that I can’t stand.
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Pillover. Always remember INSECURE people have the biggest mouths. (Some are narcissistic for which there is no cure. Narcissism is a serious mental disorder.) I've noticed in my lifetime, the more intelligent you are, the more job skills you have, the more money you make, the bigger house you live in, the better car you drive, the more money in your bank account, the more you excel at school and the more you have your act together causes people to become very quiet, humble and modest in demeanor. The more you have in life, the more people keep their mouths shut. They say nary a word. Why? Because they're self confident, have high self esteem, settled, secure and quietly content. They don't feel the need to prove anything to anybody because they're SECURE.

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He could be genuinely proud of himself or he could be insecure and needs to say these things because he needs to show you that he is worthwhile. Instead of thinking he is a goody two shoes, why don't you do just as well in class? Also, why not invite him to something other than studying?

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