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He cheated I can’t get over it

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So the day of my wedding my sister got a phone call from a young women, claiming she had been with my husband for 6months and the recently broke up she found out about me, no one told me I walked down the isle next day I found everything out. I can’t seem to shake it we gave two kids. The women tried to stop my wedding... my husband has apologized but I can’t get over it! What hurts the most is he told her he was just marrying

Me to get a green card.... and she had no idea about our kids.... please help advice I’m torn

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Others will come back with stronger advice than I could...


Girl, realise your worth and how amazing you are. No one deserves to go through this! He is messed up in the head doing this to you. You deserve much more.


I cant comprehend what you must be going through, stay strong. How no one spoke up is shocking also.

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What?! Is this the same guy who refuses to introduce his sons to you?


Good heavens, OP.


You need to get away from him. You are not married to a good man. Call an attorney and find out what your rights are and if annulment is still possible. If not, find out your rights in the event of divorce. This marriage didn't happen for the right reasons.

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I can't imagine what you're going through right now, just unbelievable...!


I get that you were hoping for a future with this guy, but look at the facts... he is a cheating, lying, calculating conman, no matter how charming he may appear on the surface. You need to get you and your kids as far away from him as possible before he really messes up all your lives, and you need to find out what your rights are. I hope you manage to get it annulled; certainly if he did this if you were already married, it would be grounds for divorce.

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nobody can give you advice on this one. You're going to have to figure out for yourself what you want to do about this one - if he's using you or not... if you still want to be his bride or not. if you want to work it out or try or divorce and start over.

nobody can tell yo on this one since none of us are in this situation and know it fully like you.


sorry.. but that's the truth on this one.

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