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Still attempting to move on from my breakup 2 years ago. He is married and meanwhile I still dream of him on the regular. It ruins my morning for a little bit, but I usually recover by the afternoon. Anyone else's subconscious torture them like this too?

The dreams usually consist of me wanting him back while he rejects me for his new wife. I struggle with the idea that she is "better" than me too. Her family is wealthy and he didn't pay a cent for the wedding which was a huge factor in our broken engagement. Last night, I dreamt she lived in a castle lolol. Ugh BRAIN.

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I do. Semi-regularly, of the 'important' ones - we're talking 1998/2001. Yet for some stupid reason I do regularly dream of the two in question. God knows why.


I also have this horrific re-occurring nightmare where my husband is leaving me. By re-occurring I mean, almost every week. It always follows the same scenario: suitcases outside our door, I ask him, 'what is this????', he forlornly, gently tells me 'I'm leaving.. I don't love you anymore'. And I scream and beg and sob, to no avail. These nightmares are so realistic that I literally wake up in cold sweat.. shaking - sometimes wake myself up by sort of moaning 'nooooooooooo, nooooooooo' whilst still asleep. They started 15 years ago when we met and they have NOT stopped till today.

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^^^^Perhaps they are caused by your misplaced guilt about dreaming bout your ex's?^^^


Still attempting to move on from my breakup 2 years ago. He is married and meanwhile I still dream of him on the regular. It ruins my morning for a little bit, but I usually recover by the afternoon. Anyone else's subconscious torture them like this too?

The dreams usually consist of me wanting him back while he rejects me for his new wife. I struggle with the idea that she is "better" than me too. Her family is wealthy and he didn't pay a cent for the wedding which was a huge factor in our broken engagement. Last night, I dreamt she lived in a castle lolol. Ugh BRAIN.

Well, I believe that when you dream and remember that dream in that amount of detail it means you are more conscious than you are admitting and you are orchestrating the details so you can dwell in thoughts of him.


You must have him in your thoughts as a lifestyle instead of quickly changing the subject of him. Any truth to that?


Time to start looking through the windshield ahead of you rather in the rear view mirror of what was.

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Sometimes the people we see in dreams represent other people or ideas. However, it sounds to me like you dream about your ex because you believe him leaving you and moving on with his life means that you are somehow not as good as him or his new partner.


If you haven't tried therapy, I'd recommend seeing someone. The core of your issues are really around your self-esteem and not about your ex at all.

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I don't but I rarely remember my dreams anyway. Imo, dreams are a way for the brain to decompress pent up feelings/stress/fear. It sounds like you have yet to take your ex off the pedestal. Yet, family money certainly doesn't make someone "better" and if he actually was motivated by money to that extend then you certainly lost nobody special. Imo, there is no need to beat yourself up about the dreams. It's just your brain decluttering pent up stress.

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I did, just last night.


Not about my most recent ex, the one I'm in pain over and trying to get over. The ex before her who I was with for a year and a half.


It was first about her messaging me through Facebook, even though I have her blocked, asking me how things are going and wanting to hang out. Later on, it was about her and her new boyfriend coming to my apartment for just a party and having some drinks, not a date, just hanging out. I haven't even met her new boyfriend, just have seen their pictures through Facebook (I blocked them both). That dream didn't hurt as bad as the ones about my most recent ex. A few weeks ago I had a dream that my ex asked me "it's obvious you want to get together" to which I said yes, then we kissed. I woke up feeling completely torn up. I can feel emotions in my dreams, and in my dream about my ex, I was very happy about being with her, I even remember playing a song that she liked over my radio that I would never play in real life, because it reminds me too much of her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamt of my ex girlfriend fooling around with other men for a whole month when we broke up. I wake up feeling down and miserable every time it happens. But then it's something that I need to accept since it is very likely to happen in real life. Just accept the madness to survive the reality I guess.

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