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Two questions one about a ring and one about friends


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Have two questions. GF of 3 years dumped me 7 months ago. We go back and forth between getting along well, to going to nk contact after a while. I'm open to the idea of getting back together. I still go over there every once in a while. We only hooked up once.


She still keeps the promise ring I gave her. It is in her jewelry box. Why is she keeping it?


Also, even after all this time, her two best friends still follow me on Facebook. My ex has blocked me but they haven't. Why wouldn't they unfollow/block me? We all got along when we were dating, but I thought the friends always unfollow or block.


I'm more curious than anything else.

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I know you are hopeful... but try not to overthink.


For the friends and family - it’s just an awkward situation for them. Unless you cheated on her or something, I’m sure they don’t hate you. They are kind of innocent bystanders in it all. They never asked to have you in their lives (but they took you in and accepted you) and they didn’t ask for you to go away. I’ve never blocked a friend or family member’s ex (why would I? I don’t have anything against them). Frankly, I usually wait for them to unfriend me. That way they know there is no hard feelings. It’s not a reflection of whether or not they think you’ll get back together. It’s just them trying not to be rude or hurtful in the most awkward of situations.


For the ring - technically, if she broke up with you, she should give it back to you. Do you want it? What will you do with it? You can ask for it back. Otherwise, I mean, what do you want her to do with it? Pawn it? Throw it away? It’s in her jewelry box (not on her finger)... which... is kind of a logical place for it if she hasn’t given it back to you?


I know you want to read meaning into these things - but these things sound par for the course to me. It’s what I would expect to happen following a breakup.

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Have two questions. GF of 3 years dumped me 7 months ago. We go back and forth between getting along well, to going to nk contact after a while. I'm open to the idea of getting back together. I still go over there every once in a while. We only hooked up once.


She still keeps the promise ring I gave her. It is in her jewelry box. Why is she keeping it?


Also, even after all this time, her two best friends still follow me on Facebook. My ex has blocked me but they haven't. Why wouldn't they unfollow/block me? We all got along when we were dating, but I thought the friends always unfollow or block.


I'm more curious than anything else.



I'm in a similar situation. My ex's best friend has kept me as a Facebook friend even though I was dumped last August. My ex does not have a Facebook account and probably never will. We are both 59. I firmly believe that my ex is either checking my page through her friend's account or getting info from her friend about my account. I could be wrong but I believe that most people can't for very long without checking on an ex's page. I'm still hopeful that we'll get back together so I only post fun stuff on my page about me and my kids. I have done some dating but am not in a relationship that I want on Facebook at this time. As far as I'm concerned we are just friends, which is basically the truth. Our relationship was over 12 years so I know that she can't just move on all that easily.

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Sorry to hear this. Why was it on/off and why did you breakup? She can keep whatever jewelry gift, not odd at all.


Also who cares what her friends are doing on social media? The important thing is you keep breaking up, it's not working out and she blocked you. It would feel a lot better for you if you gave up hope that some jewelry or social media followers means reconciliation and just moved forward.

GF of 3 years dumped me 7 months ago. We go back and forth between getting along well, to going to nk contact after a while.


She still keeps the promise ring I gave her. It is in her jewelry box. Why is she keeping it?


her two best friends still follow me on Facebook. My ex has blocked me but they haven't.

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Have two questions. GF of 3 years dumped me 7 months ago. We go back and forth between getting along well, to going to nk contact after a while. I'm open to the idea of getting back together. I still go over there every once in a while. We only hooked up once.


She still keeps the promise ring I gave her. It is in her jewelry box. Why is she keeping it?


Also, even after all this time, her two best friends still follow me on Facebook. My ex has blocked me but they haven't. Why wouldn't they unfollow/block me? We all got along when we were dating, but I thought the friends always unfollow or block.


I'm more curious than anything else.


I still have my engagement and wedding ring from my previous marriage... and I kept whatever jewelry my other ex's gave me... because I like them, they remind me of the good times, and at some point I will pass them on to my kids. I am also friends with all of my ex's friends on Facebook even though he has blocked / unblocked me a few times... we don't hang out but when we see each other we hug / high five / wave / whatever we feel like doing in the moment. We are talking about grownups here not teenagers.

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