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Are there different types of cheek kissing?


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I really like this guy who I have known for many years (although he is a little older then me). Tonight we went to a function at a concert. We were jumping around and dancing (although there were 5 of us we spent most our time together), and when he left to get a drink he would caress my lower back, and when he came back he grabbed my waist from behind and his hands lingered for a few seconds. When he dropped me home after I thanked him for a really nice night and went to give him a hug, and instead he held my cheek and kissed it. I got nervous as I didn’t know what was happening and said goodbye and left. Are there different types of cheek kissing? Am I reading into something that’s not there?

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Sounds like he likes you but since you got nervous he may now think you aren't feeling it.


You should probably let him know somehow that you like like him. Make it easy for him to ask you out or when you talk to him tell him how much fun you had with him and you can't wait to do it again.


If he is older he may be feeling you out to see if this younger woman is interested before he asks you out on a proper date. Drop some signals he can't miss.


Good luck


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This is your boss, 15 years older than you. HE shouldn't be messing around and flirting with his staff. Kissing and touching his staff is also very inappropriate! He's probably married too or in a long term relationship. It really doesn't matter if he's interested or not, you just don't go there (imo). That said, it seems you are very much hoping that he's into you and would like to "go there". Don't.

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Regardless of who it is, male or female, young or old etc etc I was just wanting advice on what people thought on his actions, regardless of how I felt or who it was.

I haven’t had feelings for a guy in a veryyyy long time, how do you try get over someone you see everyday. I’m a mess :(

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