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I've like this lad for over a year and we are finally a couple. We spend most of our time with each other and not to sound weird he makes me happy but one day we were watching a film and he gave ma a hickey and my mam saw it and told my dad!?... I don't get why they are angry I feel like such a bad person

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When he was sucking on your neck so hard that it broke blood vessels below your skin and caused them to bleed internally did it hurt? Did he ask you if it was ok to leave a big red mark on your skin and damage your blood vessels or did he just go for it because he felt like it? Leaving your parents aside for the moment, how do YOU feel about him doing this to you?

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Some parts of me feel like if i tell anyone else this they won't understand how I feel on a day to day Basis. And knowing I carnt talk to my mam and dad like this is worser pain.


Why can’t you talk to them? They love you I am sure and don’t want you in pain. They were teenagers once like we all were. It is a difficult time to be sure.

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My sisters I have 3, jade (29) but she has moved further and has got her kids took of her

Danielle (28) who has 4 kids and currently pregnant

Jasmine (24) with 2 kids and a alcoholic problem

All of them have had abusing boyfriends. But jade had one who's boyfriend was on the pedophile register list

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