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I dont know what to do..


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So im in a serious relationship. But im at a complete loss on what to do for my partner. She suffers from several mental illness and some terrible things (rape) have happened to her recently. Ive been there to talk and try to console. Ive tried getting her favorite things, food, help out. I even provide her car and a place to stay. but lately she has been making me feel like Im not good enough, that theres something im not getting, pushes me away in general. She even broke up with me recently but we later reconciled. Honestly I would do anything to make her feel loved, take the pain away, anything just so she can feel better. Ive suggested seeing a psych but shes been too afraid to. My next best idea was to take a vacation which we will soon but other than that infeel completely lost. but nothing else ive thought of or tried really seem to work. so am i missing something? am i wrong?

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Yeah, I have to agree, she needs a professional to deal with this. She could at least call a rape hotline and get some anonymous help. She is trying to push you away because of her PTSD and depression. You can Google depression and see some suggestions about what you can do to support her. Maybe she needs to go off with some girl friends for some time alone.


You can try keeping her on a daily schedule, such as exercising together, maybe going out for breakfast together, going to the movies or concerts. Going shopping. Mall walking. Doing things she likes to do. Driving her to the doctor's office. You can tell her that you both can get through this together. Ask her what you can do to help.


Keep in mind that you can't make this about you, and you have to be her support system. You have to be the strong one. Having two depressed people won't help anyone. You have to take over all aspects of the relationship. She's not in a position to do anything for herself right now. But you really should urge her to get some professional help, especially when dealing with rape.

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unfortunately I also have depression and Inthink I struggle with not maki it about me. Or at least she thinks I keep makingn it about me. Your advice is helpful. If only there was more I could do. But it serms clear I should ty to convince her to see a therapist.

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You don't tell no less convince people to "go to therapy". You could ask why she hasn't gotten any rape support. In the meantime do not push for sex. It would be much better to focus on and treat your own problems rather than make her a specimen that you need to fix. The kindest thing you could do is step back and stop trying to cheer her up or fix her. You are doing all that for you, not her.

I should ty to convince her to see a therapist.
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