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Possibly getting back together?


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So I met this guy 4 months ago one night when I was out with the girls. The minute we met we were attached at the hips and teasing eachother with our crazy sarcasm and jokes all night and ended the night with a kiss. Almost every night for two weeks we were still attached at the hip and having so much fun. I’m telling you I’ve never felt like this with anyone else I don’t know how to explain it he brings out the best in me and I can be my total self around him. Anyways Unfortunatley after the two weeks he did something a little shady and went back with an ex( long story) I thought he was an ass and didn’t speak to him for 4 months.



So then came a couple weeks ago. I felt like I needed closure with him. they ended up breaking up not long after getting together. So anyways I finally got my stubborn butt to text him and just tell him hi and that I forgave him. We had a great conversation that ended that night totally innocent.

Things still didn’t feel like closure I can’t get the man out of my head and I knew he missed me I swear I could feel him think about me. So a couple days ago. We were texting and he finally came out and said “I would really love to explain things in person what I did was wrong but I still think you deserve an explanation. I’ve missed you and I think about you a lot but I figured I totally blew it”


So I invited him over the next night and we talked and talked and talked like we never spent time apart. We finally talked about what had happened and I did realize I did misunderstood some of it and yes he was wrong too. But it made more sense. And then I explained how painful it was that he did that and he said I’m so sorry I’m so glad your telling me this in person bc I can really see it and how badly it hurt you. He ended up telling me he really liked me and our chemistry was great so that was so nice to hear. So we ended the night on a good note. No touching kissing nothing!


After he left I felt horrible not knowing if we were going to start talking again or not was that the last time I see him? So the next day I was actually feeling sad not knowing if I should text him or not and I almost felt he felt the same wayso I didn’t I woke up the next morning with a text from him from the night before “did you have a good day?” Him and I are always kind of both afraid if eachother is interested or not and both don’t want to be too pushy that’s just who we are. So after that text I got that morning I sent him one back and e texted through out the day and night and he texted me good night that night.


So then the next day came around I didn’t hear anything from him and I have no idea if he’s trying to be nice or if he’s feeling the same way I am and just compleltey not sure where eachother are and what we want to do. I didn’t hear from him at all that day and still haven’t today....



What do you guys think? Do you think he’s just not interested? Feels unsure like me? Not worth it?



I tell ya this guy would not be my first pick for looks but Deffinatley not my last but our chemistry and connection is unreal. I’ve never felt a bond or connection like I do with him and I thought that the very same day. I know he’s supposed to be in my life one way or another. He makes me feel like I want to be my best self without feeling weird and the kisses..... woah 😍 it’s like nothing ever before.

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I may get flack for this, but this sounds like a lovely thing to explore, so long as you can let go of the first chapter.


I know it sucked, and hurt. I’m sorry for that. But also: two weeks. People come with pasts, and it’s way better that his rose up after two weeks than, say, six months. Sounds like he had to go back into the fire for a bit—most of us have been there—and realized, well, that fire is fire.


That said, take is SLOW. Hang, talk, allow for a day or two or four to pass without analyzing those gaps. Because that’s healthy.


As you said, you have a feeling that he’s “supposed to be in my life one way or another.” So let him in, slowly, and see what the right way is.


Some people might say he’s flailing around after the breakup, looking for stability in the familiar. I think it takes gumption to reach out as he did, acknowledge your hurt, explain himself.

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Uh, ask him out on a DATE. This is what DATING is for. Meet up at the place you originally met him and go out and have fun. You did not have a relationship after only two weeks, and he didn't really owe you any explanation. But he seems to like you, so ASK HIM OUT.


I'm guessing you're in your early 20s. This is the time to have fun. When you've been together for a couple of months, then you can discuss being together if everything goes well. But you're letting your emotions get the best of you here. You're not marrying the guy. Go out and get to know him, and let him get to know you, and see if there's anything between you.

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I think what is in your favour for this situation is the fact you only spent two weeks together.


Meaning you was not a "thing". So in a sense him going back to an ex during those first two weeks wasn't as bad if he did that and you've been together two months.


If you were together longer and had talks of exclusivity. Then by no means would I suggest you explore anything with him. As you haven't it's no different than early stages of dating when you "date around" at the same time.


It's good you have at least got closure from it. So if you've gained something you can at least say you've got that from reaching out and it's not been a waste.


Give it a shot. Maybe start dating... Have some fun and go from there. Take it a little slower than before and try to get to know him a little.


Just know going forward if things did develope you'll have to make a conscious decision to forgive him and hold no resentment of how the two week fling ended. That's the only way you'll be able to get anything worth having out of this situation.


I do believe a genuine connection and chemistry is hard to come by. You'll regret it if you didn't give it a chance so go have fun.


Wish you all the best!

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You didn't have a relationship with him, you were just hanging out for 2 weeks. I don't think that he is a jerk for deciding to get back to his ex during that time nor that he owed you an explanation but it's good that he gave you that explanation and closure you wanted since you seem to have gotten "relationship attached" at 2 weeks of hanging out and not being able to move past that.


I'd forget the past and stop this texting all the time and actually go on dates in person and get to know each other better in person. This seems promising but you should relax and go on dates and enjoy. Don't put too much emotional weight or stress in a time where both of you should be having fun, relaxing and getting to know each other.

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