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Anyone ever use the NC rule with their ex and gotten back together?


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All I can tell you is that you shouldn't play games with No Contact. There's some sites recommending to use No Contact as a way to use absence making the heart grow fonder, but it can backfire and break up a relationship that you actually didn't want to break up. You use No Contact to close the book on a relationship and keep from getting hurt again.

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No contact, for the dumped, is FOREVER.


The dumpers usually don't come back, not for years, anyway. I've had one - ten years later, and we were both in a way different place by then.


No contact is for you to heal, not a tool for reconciliation.


Paradoxically, if the dumped has used the intervening time to work on themselves and improve, becoming more attractive, the dumper sometimes start sniffing around.


Usually, by then the dumped has met someone better.

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Actually, yes. Broke up for a year to see other people, stayed NC, it didn’t work because we weren’t happy with our new partners. Got back together at a mutual friend’s party, later got married a few years later and recently had a child together.


But even so, stories like mine rarely happens. It’s important to move on and explore your options. Sometimes couples do need a break to just see the world outside of their relationship.

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