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develop attraction with a fellow student


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what's up ENA.


I met this girl at uni one month ago at the beginning of the semester. We attend two classes together and are assigned for the same translation group (3 people), so we keep in contact regularly for homework.


Since the first time we met I felt her being interested in me. Unfortunately she's always with uni female friends and I wasn't able to have a one-to-one conversation with her, until today. Her friends were absent, so we could talk freely before class. I gladly noticed her making a lot of eye contact and coming closer and closer to me while talking (did she do it unconsciously? I'm one of those guys who overanalyse situations). During class there were some silly jokes by my side, to which she had big laughs, and I touched her on the shoulder a couple of times too. She made an Instagram story with a pic of me and her smiling.


A while ago I texted her for a piece of advice on an upcoming exam. She sent me a document by e-mail. We exchanged some flirtatious sentences (me "be careful your document doesn't contain any mistake" her "hey professor! feel free to point out any mistake in there!" me "alright I'll be very strict"); then texted her "meet you on Monday have a great weekend".


question is: what should my next move be? I suppose it's too early to ask her out. But either way it's hard to set up something with our uni friends around. Is there any middle ground I can develop attraction and still not look too creepy/someone who's jumping the gun?


Also, I don't want to rush to conclusions right now. She could just be acting friendly and kindly.

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