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My ex gf did alot of terrible things

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I have been through lot and i try to tell my wife but it seems to upset her anytime i start talking about it and she ends up having me stop because it upsets her and i feel bad because i understand its uncomfortable but i need to talk about what happened to me and get it out

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maybe you need to talk about this and get itout - but to mak it your current partner you tell it too is bad form.

talk to friends, talk to starngeres.. talk to this forum. talk to a counselor.


but talking about past relationships to your current partner - BAD form. Don't do it again. Just think how much you would want your wife to go on and on and on about an ex-bf of hers... you woudln't. yo'ud get tired of it. just as she has with your ex-gf stories.


MAN UP and talk properly to an approrpaite person about it.

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I understand that but she went through similar trauma and i sit and listen and am there for her for everything she went through and helped her through it i do not think it is to much to ask for reciprocity


Yes it is, if she can't handle it. And she can't. You are not her. If you cannot tell us, see a therapist.

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