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Hi everyone. I was in a relationship for 1 year and a half and broke up last month, the reason we broke up was because he became very distant, ignoring me and didn't bother coming to see me anymore. During our relationship we lacked communication and being our first serious relationship for both of us that's a big mistake we made and we both owned up to it. After we broke up he then told me that it was because he didn't want us to be together anymore because he had been hurt so many times during the relationship (idk what hurt him) and I didn't show much affection so it seemed like I didnt like him (which is something i'm willing to change) and he distanced himself but was the wrong way of going about it and apologised for doing it. After we broke up I messaged him asking if we could just sort things out and he said that there is nothing to sort out after the things I told him whilst breaking up with him, we also spoke a bit more to get a bit of closure and he said that we were just taking time to grow as we both have things to improve on and that was it. We never spoke again after that and it's been a month, I just want to know if I should message him and ask if there is any chances that we'll get back together as I don't want to be waiting for someone that might not want to be with me again as him telling me that we are taking time to grow was not good closure for me because I don't know where we stand. What would be the best to do, just leave it and not talk again or should I ask and see where we go from there? Thank you

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I would just leave it. Where you stand is that you two are broken up. There is no reason to be waiting on him, as the relationship is already over.


His behaviour before the breakup made it clear he had lost interest in you, and his behaviour since then is consistent with that too. You tried to sort it out, he didn't want to, but gave you some vague line about both needing time to grow. That wasn't an indicator of a desire to reconcile, though. That was him trying to get you to stop asking to reconsider. His ensuing silence is all you need to know.


It sucks, I know, but this isn't a guy who is trying to reunite.

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I'm sorry, but nothing you wrote indicates that he wants to discuss your involvement any further or consider getting back together. I know it's really tough to accept a breakup, especially when you've never been through one before, but you will thank yourself in the future if you leave it be.

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Sorry to hear this. Unfortunately it sounds like he wanted more sex than you did. It was over long before the breakup when he started ignoring you.


No. Do not chase, beg or keep pleading with him. Keep your self respect. Stay no contact and delete and block him. He dumped you because he wanted "affection" elsewhere and he moved on. You can do better than a guy who acts like this.

relationship for 1 year and a half and broke up last month. After we broke up he then told me I didn't show much affection
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