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Anxiety VS illness

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I'm about to go to a master's degree in a big city and have been so so excited as I felt so unwell during the start of this year but this morning at 1am I woke up shivering and my stomach felt very weird.. I put it down to a bit of stress for the big move but I'm genuinely not nervous ..I have my room sorted and my finance but I sat there shaking as I hadnt felt a stomach sensation like this in a while. I've woken 6 hours on still shaky and can taste bile in my stomach which is making me panic. I'm not hungry at all as I had a disgusting amount of food as my goodbye meal last night and am wondering if that could be the reason... Ugh... I can't define this as anxiety as I usually have a trigger before my stomach kicks off "I.e. a thought/sudden feeling of worry" . I have an on/off phobia of throwing up so this is usually 50% of my anxiety attacks but due to feeling VERY VERY good all summer the phobia has more or less been non existent. Is this anxiety? I keep salivating but I don't exactly feel nauseated

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When I have anxiety it feels like I have cast iron in the pit of my stomach and it feels like impeding doom. Try some REALLY deep box breathing ( breathe in deeply for four seconds hold it for four seconds and then breathe out for four seconds ) do that until you feel the tension in your stomach release . Maybe chew some gum as well . Chewing has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety by 18%.

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I used to have rather severe emetophobia which subsided in my early 40s to a great extent. 4-7-8 breathing -weil method -works great for me when I feel anxiety about a stomach issue - google that method and try it, and practice it even when you feel perfectly fine so that it can become a go to method when you feel this way. Honestly, it could be anything so the "what if" or trying to analyze probably won't give you comfort. I also keep real ginger mints around which help a lot (or ginger tea if I feel I can sip something).


I guess yes for the future I would eat lightly before a potentially stressful event - I know that doesn't help right now - but certainly that could be the cause. I also like the OTC stomach stuff when I feel this way plus, if I can, drinking as much plain water as possible.


Good luck -you can do this and everything will be all right.

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Congratulations on achieving this amazing opportunity! I know how hard you have worked up to this point, and I trust over time, you'll fall right back into your familiar routine of striving to reach your goals. I think I would feel overwhelmed too, at the onset of something so big and so wonderful, but fast forward a couple months down the road and picture yourself having gone through the most rigorous part of the transition.


Anxiety plays mean tricks on our mind, and can be a detour away from our focus when we're not careful. I know this from my own experience. Could you possibly be fighting a fear of wondering how successful you will be, or wondering how you will manage the heavy load?


The sickness could very easily be a result of a combination of things, but I think your jitters and apprehension is a part of it. Try watching what kinds of foods you eat and be gentle with your stomach. Drink lots of water to help flush things out, get some exercise, and rest when possible. Make a list of things that you anticipate the most by embarking on this new journey, and how they will take you across your finish line some day. Best of luck to you!

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Sounds like food poisoning. Six hours is about optimum time for bacteria to have a party in your stomach. This happened about 24 hours ago. I hope you feel better now.


That's interesting -I have different info about that and the timing - since she is not in severe pain, etc my sense is it's overeating mixed with stress then the remnants of her phobia acting up at a vulnerable time for her.

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