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I had a terrible week.


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And I fear the next days. Last week I had an argument with my best friend's friends, because he borrowed something from me and wouldnt return. This week was her birthday and she didnt invite me. Our mutual friends arent talking to me, I feel very lonely because I lost a lot of friends since my breakup. And the ones I got, sometimes i feel hate me. Deep down i believe im a piece of garbage and very annoying. Plus, i was talking to someone who I fell in love, now this person is going to spend sometime offline, but it doesnt matter, case I know she doesnt like me back. Oh, also, I found out my ex is in her second relationship since we broke up, while i keep getting rejected in life and love in general. I know that this self loathing can be caused by depression, but my life is so ty that I can help but wonder if im really worthless.

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Riddle? What do you mean?

I honestly dont know why. I just know Im not feeling good. I guess im blaming myself for all that has happened

Don't bombard people with text messages.


Surely there's something you find in yourself you don't like? I'd like you to list some of them here, if you can. Help us help you.


What fault do you assign yourself, and why?

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If you haven't sought help for your self-esteem and dependency issues, please do so. Your issues are out of the scope of an online forum. A professional may be able to help you start to build yourself up and figure out why you are prone to needy/self-deprecating behaviors.

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I am hoping that you will make an appointment with a counselor, support group or confide in your doctor for resources. YOU are not worthless and fear can oftentimes magnify the lies in our head. I would love for you to sit down with a professional and let them engage you in what you believe about yourself and how you came to those conclusions. I would love for you to become exposed to healing and treatment so that you can come to KNOW what is truth. YOU are not worthless. Fear is a liar and it won't go away on it's own. You have to take the first step. BE BRAVE and put relationships on hold for now and put yourself first. Seek a trusted family member or maybe even a pastor at a local church....just to talk to someone face-to-face. Social media and on-line "stuff" can be helpful and fun at times, but it can also be very deceptive, hurtful and isolating. YOUR life have value and your life can be enriched with people who deeply care about you once the lies are addressed and once the real you begins to surface! My therapist told me some things that I did not know and completely changed one of my deepest fears! I felt I'd been given eagle's wings when I left her office! Praying for a great outcome as you choose a path toward healing! YOU deserve it!

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