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So I've been dating this girl for two weeks and we've also been texting all day every day and everything was going well. She's got her walls up and seems to want to take everything very slow, after our first date she wanted to wait until after our holidays which would be about a month, for a second date but i convinced her to see me again before i went away. After the date she told be that she was so glad i convinced her to come out and that to ignore her 'ludicrous excuse of things moving too quickly' and she said she really liked me. So we went on our holidays and continued to text, then when i tried to arrange a third date she became really distant and mad at me for moving things too quickly even though she said she was happy to have a third date after our holidays and even said she'd be up for staying over (we live quite far apart) and she's like a totally different person now, any of the jokes i said before that made her laugh now makes her angry with me and i just don't get it. She said she wanted space and time so i haven't messaged her for 2 days now, do i wait for her to message me or should i send her a message? She said she does still like me but I'm getting so many mixed signals from her! So do i text her or wait?

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Never accept anything but the normal pace of dating. People who have barriers up and emotional baggage don't make good partners. People desire challenges to their own detriment. A challenging person is either one who's just not that into you or messed up mentally. There are cute girls around who don't have any ice to chip away. Go find one.

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That was way too much texting. That is how you make someone sick of you so when they see their phone they think to themselves ugh. You are smothering her. That will make her pull back. Also you are going way too fast proposing a sleep over after 2 dates at your place where she has to drive to you no less.


What are you thinking? There are no mixed signals here at all. Back Off couldn't be louder or clearer. Do Not Text her again she knows your number...and stop pushing for hookups.

been dating this girl for two weeks we've also been texting all day every day. i tried to arrange a third date she became really distant and mad at me for moving things too quickly.She said she wanted space and time.
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Also i would like to point out that i have said many times that texting all day everyday may be too much too soon but she said she really enjoys the communication.


And now that she's had an about-face, she no longer does. That's not to say it's your fault; she's talking out both sides of her mouth.


Don't bother with her. It's going to be too difficult.

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Ok red flag. She wants a text-buddy. It sounds like she found someone local and is making up excuses.

Also i would like to point out that i have said many times that texting all day everyday may be too much too soon but she said she really enjoys the communication.
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