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Why was she so mean?

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I dated my university female teacher for 3 years. I'm a girl too. She left me for another female student of hers. I do not miss her per se but I can't get myself to forget about her (it's been almost 3 years). The thing is that when she left me she talk to me and compared me to the new girl. She told me that this new girl was better than me (I don't remember the words she used, but that's the essence). This is what has had me longing for her ever since. I felt like crap after that. All I wanted was that she left without saying that I suck. Was that too much to ask? I didn't even ask for an explanation when she left!!! It is not like I brought this into me!!! I stopped talking to her and move out of the house the next day (I couldn't do it the same day due to my schedule). Why couldn't she lie at least using a variation of the "it's not you, it's me"? I treated her great most of our relationship (after that I didn't treat her poorly I just stopped loving her because she was so mean) and her friends agree. They told her she was an idiot.

I just want her to tell me that I am not crap. I've tried teraphy to help me with my self esteem but it didn't help me much. I am trying to add accomplishments to my life to see if that makes me feel worthy of my love. Hope it helps me. I don't know what I wanted when I started typing this thread but I feel better after it. Thanks for reading!

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Unfortunately, 3 years after a breakup, she won't really care what you think anymore.


Crappy people do and say crappy things. There is no explaining it sometimes. Have you had any contact with her in the last 3 years? I'm just wondering what's keeping you stuck so long after breaking up. Hopefully, you will start to feel better soon.

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Same sex sexual harassment cases are on the rise. A professor shouldn't be propositioning or dating students. Report her if you have proof of an inappropriate relationship with her..

I dated my university female teacher for 3 years. I'm a girl too. when she left me she talk to me and compared me to the new girl. She told me that this new girl was better than me
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Your teacher is a predator. She's using her teaching position to find fresh victims. I'm sure she's done this in the past. What she did to you was to hurt you so she could quickly get rid of you. And I think she did it that way to make you a victim to keep you from going to the school to report her. This way, you'll be thinking you weren't worthy enough for her what she really did was replace you with a new model. Universities are not the safe environments people think they are.

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