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Hey, just looking for some advice. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 and a half years. We are engaged and living together. But lately I have been having soo many doubts I love him soo much but I'm just not sure it's enough anymore. I feel like he has no goals like I earn more money than him and it doesn't bother him. We are having an engagement party and now he's saying he doesn't want it and he doesn't want to get married. We are barely intimate. But I do love him I can't imagine my life without him. I'm soo confused. Any advice would be amazing x

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Well, this isn't sounding very good. Young guys are usually into having sex as often as possible, and if he isn't, then he may be suffering from depression, especially if he's apathetic and has no goals. You should accept what he's telling you. He doesn't want to get engaged, so you should not be having an engagement party, and with no intimacy you will not have much of a relationship with him. You will have nothing but heartache and ask yourself constantly why he doesn't love you. Feel free to expand on your post, but I think the relationship is over and you should think about leaving and getting your own place. And also find a boyfriend who is as ambitious as you are.

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If you're engaged and he's now telling you that he doesn't want to get married, you have a big problem on your hands. Cancel or at the very minimum, postpone this engagement party and wedding until you figure out if you both actually want to go through with this.


Why has he had this change of heart? How long has the intimacy been this lackluster?

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Sorry to hear this. Why is there no intimacy? How long have you been living together? How long have you been engaged? Unfortunately things sound quite one-sided, like you are marching ahead in bridezilla mode and he's already checking out of the relationship. Cancel everything until you both figure out what's going on. You seem to have little respect for him.

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 and a half years. We are engaged and living together. he doesn't want to get married. We are barely intimate.
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