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How to politely back out of meeting in person?


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I'm hoping someone can help me with some advice on how to politely back out of meeting someone in person. I had been talking to this guy through online dating for a couple of weeks. As we'd been talking, I picked up on some minor red flags, but generally, he was pleasant to talk with, so I tried to disregard them. However, during our last couple of messages, I've gotten an increasingly unsettled feeling, even though there's no one specific thing I can point to as the cause. It's just a vibe, I guess. In a recent message, he asked if I'd like to meet in person, and I said sure, but I told him I had a few more questions first. I asked my questions. He dodged one of them, and I don't know... I just feel like my gut is telling me not to meet this guy. But I also feel like I've already agreed to meet him, so I don't know how to politely back out. I know pretty much any reason I give will seem lame or insincere. And yet the idea of meeting him is stressing me out.

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It will have to be lame to him because it doesn't matter, your gut instinct needs to come first.


When I don't want to meet someone that I said I would meet for the same reasons you mentioned. I just tell them I'm not ready and wish them the best. Sure the guy may get mad but you can then block him. That's the nice thing about not actually have already met him.


Good luck!

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The truth is that anything you say that amounts to a “no” is going to upset him and hurt his feelings anyways. There really is no way around that. That’s not to say you should meet him... it just means that you should be prepared for him to be upset and stop talking to you.


All that said, I think you should just be straight about it. Tell him that you’ve been thinking about it, and while it’s been nice talking to him, you just don’t want to meet.

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It won't get easier to cut the involvement once you've met him in person. A simple text saying that you thought about it and are not interested in meeting will do. If he responds in anger, simply ignore his texts.

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the unsettling vibe came from 1 question he dogged answering?


was the question really important to make or break a relationship?


It's crazy what the mind can convince itself of and talk itself out of/into when you go by your emotional response.


It's always best to save the questions for when you are face to face. Things can be misunderstood.


Everyone you meet will put up minor red flags whether it's in the beginning stages or later in the relationship because nobody is perfect or exactly like you. If you go into it with out expectations, calling him out on the question he dogged shouldn't be that big of a deal. You can get a better judge of the character of a person when you're right in front of them because you can see their mannerisms and hear the tone in their voice. you get a better "feel" for who he is.


There's no one specific thing you can pin point and you base your gut feeling off of that? could it possibly be your own assumptions?


I'm a naturally curious person and if I set up a meet up, I'll follow through despite my gut feelings. I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me. Just guard yourself. Meet somewhere in public where lots of people are around. Don't go home with him no matter what.

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If you're not excited to meet someone, don't. Don't feel obligated or pressured. You didn't make a firm date/commitment.


"Hi Dude'sName, I've had second thoughts about meeting. I don't think we are a good match. Best of luck"


And if he responds with anything other than a classy response, block him. Secure people appreciate candor and will not take it personal. If he flames you, or argues, it will just confirm your good judgement. Then block, block, block.

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