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I really like this girl that i’ve been talking to for the past month but things have kind of been going slow. Mainly because she tends to give me many reasons on why she can’t hangout or takes too long to come around. I’ve definitely fallen in love with her in the time we’ve spent together but i’m waiting to tell her because i’m scared of getting hurt because my last relationship ended in my gf cheating on me. I wouldn’t accuse this girl of doing anything like that but i feel paranoid and i’m not sure if it’s because of trust issues from getting cheated on before or because of what she told me the other day. Before i mention what she told me, i would like to include that i’ve been weirded out by how i see her ex’s name pop up on her phone whether in messages or he calls her all the time. Doesn’t seem normal if she actually broke up with him for cheating on her like she told me. Well anyways the other day she told me that a guy friend, whoever that may be (kinda curious if it was her ex or not), apparently tried kissing her and she said he halfway succeeded with one lip on her lips and the other on her cheeked due to her turning her head. I’m asking for advice because i don’t feel that i can make this call myself due to trust issues from being cheated on by my last gf. i don’t want to not give her the chance because of the mistakes my ex made considering she had nothing to do with that. i believe everyone deserves a chance. Also no matter how upset i let the kissing thing get me, it makes me curious as to why she would tell me? And i’m not sure if she’s putting her guard up or actually just super busy. still, she doesn’t seem to make a lot of time for us and i don’t want to keep falling for her if i’m not “the one” in her eyes. Maybe it’s because i’m guarded due to my own past and i should open up to her? But at the same time i’m scared to because i’m not sure if she’s playing games or not. Please, anyone who has been in a similar situation dealing with a past leading to trust issues... giving me some advice on this would really help. Thank you

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Well, it just sounds like she's being friendly and doesn't want to be your girlfriend from what you describe. Also, I don't know why it would upset you to find out that she turned her head away from being kissed. Would you rather she wanted it? And she told you about what happened because it builds trust between you. She's trying to show you can trust her because she told you a secret. And just because your girlfriend cheated on you, you've got to get over it. You have to have faith in people until they prove to be unfaithful.


So what to do? Ask her out on a real date. If she accepts, great. If she turns you down, find someone else.

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You've only known her for a month. I don't know if you're rebounding or not, but you need to slow your roll either way. Love takes time. Get to know her more and see if she's even interested in going on a date with you.


How did you see these messages from her ex? If any snooping was involved, you have seriously crossed boundaries that I personally believe should not be crossed even in a serious relationship. However, if she's still talking to her ex it's a huge red flag indicating a lack of emotional availability. Tread carefully until you're sure she's attracted to you and actually over her ex-boyfriend.

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