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Coping mechanisms to deal with guilt?


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A few years back I found myself in a unfavorable situation that has caused me a lot of guilt. I removed myself from the situation about a year and a half ago but it still to this day eats at me and haunts me. It isn't a daily thing where I can't function, but at least a few times a week it creeps up and causes a lot of anxiety and depressing thoughts.


I have written out all of my feelings about the situation, why I think it happened, etc. I've written letters to the parties involved, but have never been able to send them due to fear of repercussions and stirring up old stuff. I try positive affirmations and telling myself that if the same situation presented itself today that I would do better to avoid it because I am not that same person I was back then.


The situation is not one that I've ever spoken openly to anyone about due to shame, guilt and lack of trust. It feels like a very dark and giant secret looming over me.


I don't feel like there is a space safe enough to speak about the situation freely to someone who genuinely wants to listen and won't judge me for it.


I can't change the past and I know this.

Any tips on how you deal with guilt are greatly appreciated.

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Have you thought of therapy? Talk about it with someone who is obligated to keep it between you two. May help to get it off your chest and then him/her could help with the coping/anxiety/depression etc. etc.


That's the best advice I can give you without knowing more details about the situation :/

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Would you feel comfortable sharing it with us, OP?


You might find that a confessional to a group of strangers on the internet is cathartic, in a way. The risk of true negative repercussions is low here, barring any identifying details of course. Perhaps getting it out here could help you sort through your feelings.

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