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Fantasy world


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I came across someone on internet three years ago. A social figure. Started interacting on Twitter. My I'd was anonymous and had no friends on Twitter. Interactions we're purely on basis of persons work area. We belonged to two different countries.

Same time around Twitter launched analytics. I realized someone was a regular visitor to my profile. Certain interactions indicated it was the same person.

Since the person is married I was not sure why this person looked for me when expected to be sleeping next to the spouse. Fine months later the person came down to my country and I felt some unknown Twitter profile tried interacting with me indicating it was the same person. These tweets forced me to meet up the person in social encounters. Lots of things happened then. Series of events proving the interest in me but nothing direct. Indicative.

It's been three years I was conveyed that certain things need to be worked out before we are together. The person has not left my side since then. But again not by real name as anonymous Twitter ids.

I can't prove anything. I wish to get out of this. I don't find a way.

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I am having some trouble wading through all the cryptic wording, but I gather you are infatuated with a married person.


And you don't know each other's real names? What is it you can't prove?


I don't really understand what you're getting at, to be honest.

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Is this a scammer or catfish? it's unclear what all the fake social media accounts are for and why you met up with this supposedly married person, catfish, scammer, whatever. Just delete and block this entity on all your social media. Get Away From The Screen and start to interact with real life people.

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  • 3 months later...

It's pretty simple to delete your online profile, or to block their accounts and their phone number so that they have no way of communicating you.


Is this person blackmailing you somehow? How are they able to force you to meet and/or interact with them?

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