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There's this girl I like, and idk how she feels about me


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So a couple weeks ago I made a thread about this girl in my school I wanted to get closer. Basically, we had been talking for about 1-2 months and I thought I had made a really good friend or maybe even more. I really was enjoying the time I was spending with her at school, and messaging her. I noticed quite a few times she would flirt with me (She would touch me alot, provoke me and look at me alot, and I know it doesn't look like it but I really can't explain the way she flirts, but I knew for a fact she was doing it), some friends we had in common would tell me she talks and think about me all the time during class (because we're not in the same class).


One day, I noticed that whenever I tried messaging her, she would reply with simple answers, like she just didn't want to talk, which is completely normal sometimes. At first, I thought to myself "Well, maybe she's not feeling well or she's perhaps doing something and can't really talk". But as days passed, I would try talking to her but she would do the same: Simple answers that you can't keep talking unless you ask another question. It was really getting me frustrated and for a day or two, I even thought she was just playing with me, making me desperate, but I know she isn't the kind of girl that does that.


At school, we would have normal conversations, have a good time together, just like before. But it felt like something was wrong. At a point, I was so sad because of it, that I would just keep staring at my book for the whole class.


One day, she entered my class to talk to one of her friends and saw me like that, and said we needed to talk. I stood up, left the classroom to go to the toilet, wash my face. When I came back she wasn't there anymore.


Later that day, she messaged me. First, she asked my why I was so sad. I told her I was like that because she wouldn't reply that same way as before ( I know it sounds really stupid to be sad because of such a thing, but i'm young and she's my first crush). She immediatly replied, saying that we barely even know eachother (which is true), she said we weren't in a relationship and so I that wasn't a reason for me to feel like that, and she finished by typing: "We're just friends". I can understand that, maybe i'm not the one for her.


I know she had bad experiences with guys before me (mostly her last relationship [9 months, her left her on her BDay and immediatly got with another girl]), and I like to think the reason why she said all that is because she is afraid, but I'm ready to accept that maybe she just doesn't like me


Now the reason why i'm writing this: What do you guys think of this? I thought all that flirting and stuff was a sign she liked me, do u think the same? What should I do? I dont want to forget her because in my 17 years of life, I have never had feelings or even a crush until this moment. I really like that girl and if I'm writing this thread, it's because I want to find a solution other that moving on. Do you think she "rejected" me because she doesn't like me, or because she's not ready for another relationship?


Sorry if my text is confusing, I'm not an english native speaker and it's sometimes hard for me to express myself in a way that other people can understand.

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It could be any of the reasons you list, but more than likely I think it was because she was dumped by a guy and now she's having a hard time trusting guys. You can try to get her to know you better over the next few months.

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