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Being rejected, but feel bad about


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I went out with this girl I met at the mall a few weeks ago. We went for drink and dinner, walked around a bit and saw a movie together. At the end of the date, she kissed my cheeks and said time to go home. After that she messaged me when she arrived and I said good night. Two days later I msged her good morning and she replied this:

I had a decent with you,,But Other than that, I just didn't feel any connection or chemistry so it wasn't necessarily because I didn't like something you did.


Can anyone suggest or tell me what I did wrong? Also why did want to see a movie etc, all her dies, if she didnt feel attracted to me.

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You didn't do anything wrong. She just wasn't feeling it for you, it happens. She stayed because it would have been rude to have left in the middle of the date, also she enjoyed your company. Other then that take it as it is and find someone new.

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You did the best you could, and probably then some; but she just wasn't into you. It sucks, but she really did you a favor to be honest (plus she didn't ghost.)


All in all take it for a good evening that let you rule out one more in the gran scheme of things; plus it wasn't a bad date!

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She didn't feel the connection. It hurts to hear but I would move along, don't take it personally and find someone new whom actually feels the connection and wants something more. I'm sure a great guy.. just maybe join a dating website and if you're not into that, just try to meet someone in real life who you like. I'm sure you'll do great!

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