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Talks to his ex everyday?


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So I was dating a guy who seemed really decent and serious. He was pretty honest with me for the most part and hinted at wanting something long term with me. In the beginning he would make an effort to hang out with me but recently he hasn't and has seemed distant. I found out he's talking to his ex everyday about me. He's not necessarily saying negative things he just gives her updates on my life and says he loves me and we're so happy. That's cool and all except he doesn't spend much time talking to me anymore because he's spending all his time talking to his ex ABOUT me and how we're so happy? I know during his relationship with her he wasn't very happy because she flirted with other guys in front of, ignored him for her friends and insulted him quite a bit. I was his friend while they were together that's how I know all of this. I'm the complete opposite of her as I am very sweet to him and give him most of my time and attention. He also showed her the sweet messages I send him and she then proceeded to start being sweeter to him as well. I dumped him because I realized she was trying to get back together with him, and after I voiced that I didn't want him to talk to her anymore he kept doing it. Now he's saying I jumped the gun by ending the relationship and was being too jealous. Did I make the right decision or was I being too jealous and insecure? Thanks.

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