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Boyfriend broke up w me over long distance


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My boyfriend of almost two years broke up with me two days ago. We were both at separate universities (2 hours away) we'd been together since high school and we were trying to make it work during first year. I thought it was working, I was happy, clearly he wasn't. He came down two days ago, I was so excited I had everything planned out (I'd even bought some special lingerie) and then he basically said he was tired so we napped - basically just cuddled - and then when I said are you ready to go get dinner he said we needed to talk. That's when the crying started. And it hasn't stopped since. His reasons were oh so bland. The distance was too hard, having to text each other constantly was too hard, it was too much work we didn't get to see each other enough and when we did he wasn't getting excited anymore. He left. I went to my friends room and cried for hours before deciding to get drunk and go out. When we were out I met a guy and decided I wanted to rebound with him. When I was talking to this guy my ex called me. Naturally I left the guy to try and call him back. He didn't answer so I texted. Basically he just felt bad wanted to meet up blah blah blah. I did it I left the party to go meet the guy that had unceremoniously ripped my heart out four hours ago. I stood on the bridge without a coat in -10 degree weather when it was raining for 20 minutes when he finally came. He gave me this whole speech about how he didn't want me moving on with some guy tonight. To which I think I responded " you you broke my heart" (mature). He kissed me. I was drunk i reciprocated and then he said all I wanted was sex and I asked him to come back and be with me again. He rejected me, said he couldn't because he was staying with his sister. He said I meant something to him. MeanT. Past tense. We left he said he'd get his stuff and come - he didn't. I called him and basically we talked about sexy things and then he hung up I went to bed.


The next day my parents picked me up to go home. I texted him, because I had to, to ask if there was any way I could have a second chance. I told him I'd try harder, he wouldn't have to text all the time, that I wouldn't get mad about stupid things like him only calling me for 15 minutes a day when he spent hours playing basketball or at the gym or watching basketball or playing video games with his head roommate. Long conversation short it's never gonna happen. He doesn't want to go on a break. He wants to break up. But oh he still wants to be friends. Something I deep down want but can't give him the satisfaction.


I think I'm depressed all I can think about is how I'll never find anyone as food who ill have as much fun with. I can't stop thinking about all the fun things we did. It's killing me I can't stop crying I can't do anything but think about how if I'd just done something different we could've still been together.

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You cant make someone love you or want to be with you if they dont. He seems to be done and yes it hurts but you will need to accept this. You cant change who you are and promise to be all sorts of things that you aren't or cant do, you are you. The distance is likely a big part of the problem. LDRs often fail. Take some time to get yourself together and then get out there with friends, go have fun. Dont be a rebound with anyone, that doesnt work.

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So, your BF breaks up with you and you were prepared to just go off with some guy that same day? Then the BF calls and you run off to see him without a proper coat on? And after that bed to stay with him and he fizzles again?


IMHO, you should not go back to this person and watch out for your impulsive behavior too. it may be self destructive.

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Quite apart from the pain of any relationship passing, you're still in a state of shock. Try and surround yourself with people who really care about you, and - really - don't even consider a rebound relationship because all that will do is postpone the grieving which will then hit you later.


To protect your self esteem, which will have taken a huge knock, don't try to be friends with your ex. It will only rip you apart; in my opinion, you're ready to be friends with an ex when it really wouldn't bother you if you saw them in another relationship. You'll get there, but it's going to take a while. Keep crying, as that will get it all out of your system much more quickly than if you try to bottle up your feelings.


To be honest, I doubt if you did anything wrong. People change when they're at university, and though some people do end up with the same people they were dating before they started - very few do. And that's even when they're at the same university, let alone at places two hours apart!



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