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What's the best ebook you got on geting back an ex?


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It is all absolute feckin crap ..... if it worked can you imagine what chaos the natural order of things would be like ....No one would be able to end a relationship cos these all knowing magical books make it so you want to go back .... can you see how ridiculous it is ... have you ever dumped anyone ? Imagine how you felt and the relief when it was over ...now imagine that ex reading one of these books and bam ..all of a sudden her actions have made you want to go back and live happily ever after ...There isn't a book written , an amount of money , a magical spell , a word of wisdom , an act of desperation that could make me go back with any of my exes ever ....

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Here, let me save you some money. This is what they all say:


1) Do 30 days of No Contact

2) Contact your ex in a "light" manner without mentioning the relationship after the 30 days is up.

3) Gradually build up contact.

4) Invite your ex to an event.

5) Lose weight! (For women only, because obviously he broke up with you because you're fat.)


What they don't say is what to do if you're blocked, if your ex is dating someone else, if your ex ignores your contact or if your ex says "no, thanks" to your event invitation. Or if you're not fat.


And some of the male "life coaches" advise men to act like strong "alpha" males because all women want a man who will take charge!!! Except, not all of them do, but whatever.

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Don't worry about your ex. Simply live your life. When / if you get to a point where you can talk to someone you used to / still love without needing anything in return. Without expecting anything in return. Then you can simply reach out, if you want to be on good terms (if you ended it on bad and want a different ending), or if you simply care about them being happy, and say "Hi - Thought of you. How are you doing?"


And leave it at that. The key is you can't need / expect anything and it has to be honest.

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