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I keep watching movies and reading books for children, do you think it's normal?

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I turned 21 this summer, I finished my bachelor degree and I can say that I'am at that point in my life where I don't know what I want in life (I used to think I knew). I'm gonna start my Msc in a month, I've had two job interviews but didn't get the job. And yes I'm feeling lost and anxious. I no longer think about the future or dream anymore because it terrifies me. But during this phase I'am begining to notice a need to go in my childhood. I'm watching old Disney movies and reading books from my childhood cause I feel less anxious and relieved when I do that but also I feel some kind of melancoly and sadness. It's like a bittersweet escape.

Do you think that's normal? Why is this happening to me?

I would really appreciate your answers.

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Yup perfectly normal to reach back to something that makes you feel comfortable. A form of security blanket. We all do it in one form or another.


Even realizing that at 21 you don't have life figured out - scary as heck, but pretty normal.


Basically, it's OK to reach for some kind of comfort, but then you keep moving forward - keep looking for a job, focus on the Msc, keep on working at figuring out the right path for you. You are literally going through growing pains, trying to figure out who you are and that's normal at your age.

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When I was going through a stressful time as an adult I listened to audiobooks of children's books or young adult books. I found them upbeat and encouraging; they were often about how a young person overcame difficulty and found their strength. Also, since they were audio books, the narrators' voices tended to be soothing. When I was in my late 20's I took a course on children't literature, and the teacher (a librarian) said she tends to just read children's books; the good ones have a universal appeal—a message that fits for all ages. I think it's fine!

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