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I need help with a junkfood problem. :(


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I have a junkfood problem. I do not want it, nor do I want to eat it anymore, but I continue to buy it without realizing I buy it, and then I end up eating it anyways, and then I feel guilty FOR eating it. It's like this everyday, and I'm so sick and tired of it. I want to stop junk food all together. I'm really am sick of eating it. But at the same time, it's a comfort food that's hard to kick, and I'm ready to kick it in the butt, but i've failed time and time again


I've tried replacing it with things that have a similar crunch to junkfood. The only junkfood I eat is chips, and pop. Well.. if fries and stuff count then that's it too, but I eat chips/crisps on the daily. I know it's bad for me but I can't kick the craving.


Does anyone know why i'm doing this, or what I can do to get rid of this problem?


Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.



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I just had a quick look back at your posts and I think this is all part of the bigger picture ...you worry and have anxiety over lots of things and have binged with drink as well ...So I think for you this is just another symptom of an unhappy life and you need to get to the root of it and start dealing from that point rather then trying to deal with the ripple effects of depression and anxiety . Or the likely hood is you will keep going from one comfort to another.

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It's just habit. Food is about habit. The more you eat of low quality foods, the more your body craves it because it gets a chemical rush. Food psychology is interesting because there's some evidence that we get a small rush of endorphins/dopamine from eating foods we consider "junk" due to the meaning that food holds for us - reward and pleasure


The way to overcome it is planning. Objectively acknowledge your habits (when do you buy it? is it out of convenience and are there other options for what you could be eating?)

And plan around it. "Hack" your weaknesses. For me, since I know that I would be tempted to buy stuff that I don't actually want, I do all my grocery shopping online and plan meals for the week ahead. I do make sure I get at least 1-2 junk food items so I don't feel deprived, but I only buy them fortnightly or less frequently, so if I get a packet of cookies in amongst veggies that's okay because I have to make it last 2 weeks.


Plan your meals and shopping in advance and you'll cut down

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