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I'm 17 with bad choices plz help


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I have been feeling weird. I'm only 17 years of age. I've been in an off and on 4 year relationship. Everytime the relationship is off, I end up with someone new. No I have never had unprotected sex with the new guy. Everytime me and my ex get back together we have protected sex, until recently. A breakup before the last, I had sexual contact with one guy, multiple times and after that he cut me off. Back into my off and on relationship, we had unprotected sex. Few months back, I have gotten a check up and I was clean, and so was my ex boyfriend. But now he came back positive for chlamydia. I never went to get checked. Bc I didn't have unprotected sex with the guy that left me after sexual contact. I was scared actually. But I took a few antibiotics just in case. We still broke up and now we don't keep in contact. few weeks later I traveled back to my home island (Virgin islands) for a funeral and ended up meeting up with my old friend from elementary, also someone I liked for a while. We started going on mini dates to the movies and stuff like that. Then we had sexual contact. After, he told me he never use condoms, he just doesn't care to use them. But knowing him he has had 1-2 girlfriend's, but I was stupid for not making sure he had on one and for having sexual contact. I left the islands and came back to the States. Me and his stay in contact. but....my lower lady parts became swollen, and burned after I was taking a shower and cut myself with my nail. I spoke to him about it and showed him pictures of what it looked like. We did search's on Google and it said "yeast infection" for the pains I was feeling. The swelling and pain has went away over night and all I feel is a little sting from where the scratch from my nail is. Today, He been distant and acting different. It was 4:36am as I'm typing, I can't sleep due to what I'm about to tell you. An hour ago, he texted me and told me he has to ask me something. Which was about the pain a had 2-3 days ago in the lower area. He started to tell me that this morning while he was in the shower he experienced a red marking on his penis, and his penis hurts when he lays and turn certain ways, and it has a bump, like what I had during my swelling of the so-called Google searched yeast infection. I was panicking and felt to cry. I wanted to imidiately go harm myself. But instead I prayed in my head and read the messages over and over. The pain and redness and bumps he told me about, I learned in sex education that from chlamydia, and also did some research on Google once again and read few things. I cannot tell my mom about this due to how she is, so I texted an very trusted adult from my church to help me and she is taking me to get checked tomorrow. And he is also going to go get checked. Scary part, where did I get it from? Should I tell him to ask his previous girl to get checked in case it's from him also? Will I be okay? Someone please talk to me and help me. (I honestly know that I have made some bad choices)

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