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This is bugging me

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Hey all I'm gunna sound very jealous but it's bugging me and I need advice, heard ex was talking to someone after we rekindled.. she met him in fire school and he was in a 2 year relationship and she broke up with him..... she walks in firehouse last night going okay I'm here, glad the talk with your ex went well... does this sound like him and my ex are talking or does it sound like a friend of a friend giving advice ??? Would she be okay if they were talking and the talk with him and husband ex of 2 years went well??

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Let me see:


You and your ex work together at a firehouse

Your ex walked in to work and you were also at work

Your ex walked into work with another guy who also works at the firehouse.

You were in a position where you could both see and hear your ex and the other firehouse guy.

Your ex says to this guy "I'm glad your talk with your ex went well"

From that one sentence you want to know if she and other firehouse guy are just friends, or if that sentence is an indication that she is going to date him. Is that correct?

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I want her back more than ever she gave me hints but I hurt her bad so she's afraid, she said she dyed her hair cause she was in England. Alone when I was suppose to be there to visit her brother. She still has all her stuff from my house in her trunk and she says it's to sad to look at we hooked up I got needy so I went nc yesterday she sat next to me and felt the need to answer me when I wasn't talking to her she called me a few nights ago but I ignored it it was actually the date we became official so I don't now I asked her the next day and she said nvm it's not important anymore

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