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It's been a few weeks since me and my ex last spoke. Even though I do think of him very much I'm still proud of myself for keeping NC, and while I miss him I have been pretty well fine. Haven't been crying or letting it bring me down.


The thing that is really bothering me is almost every single night I am dreaming of him. It's probably the pregnancy hormones but without fail I have a string of dreams (sometimes sexual sometimes regular) where we are together. It's like I can't even escape him in my sleep...he has taken over my subconsious . Has anyone ever had this problem?


I know it's out of my control but it is kind of distressing me just because it's making me miss him more and I can't help but regret us ending on bad terms. I keep imagining reaching out but at the end of the day I am just too afraid to be met with rejection.. Sigh.

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Yes, start penning down your thoughts, it'll help you more. I did the same. Even I often had dreams about my ex only regular ones not sexual. I am emotionally attached to my ex. Initially, it was very painful and emotionally challenging. The moment I started writing I found it therapeutic.

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