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Unfinished business?

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I was wondering how many people out there, either recently or in their past have had short term relationships that ended abruptly. Not because of incompatibility/lost feelings, but perhaps timing or distance or some other outside influences. A relationship that you felt you had "unfinished business". That if it had been given the chance to develop could have been something great? Maybe you think of this person as "the one who got away"?

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When I was in college I had a relationship that ended abruptly during the honeymoon phase, about 4 months in. He let his friends influence him and did the slow fade thing on me, where I was 'forced' to break up with him. I had no idea what he was doing at the time because I was so young and inexperienced. Anyway, I wouldn't say I felt like he was the one who got away but I was really hurt by it all. I think it took me about 3-4 months to get over. I can't remember if we exchanged "I love you's" but I do remember having strong feelings for him. I suppose if I had done something to warrant a break up I might have had regrets, but that was not the case.


Any time I have been hurt I set my mind to think that If it had been meant to last, it would have - yes, even when I was younger. Some breakups were harder to get over than others, but except for one I never let that fantasy thought dwell. That one time I let that mindset settle in, well I will just say it wasn't a good thing. I wasted a lot of time. Kind of embarrassing to think about now

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Yes, at certain points and at certain times. One of the times was because of bad timing (I wasn't ready for a mature relationship that he was offering) and once was one of those honeymoon phases that ended with a disastrous NYE where he got drunk in front of his parents and was rude to me then and the next day. I chose not to speak with him ever again other than to hear his lame apology late on New Years Day. I wondered some but not much! There was one guy who I met once and had a wild crush on just from that night (we didn't even kiss!) and who I had the opportunity to talk to years later in a professional context which was interesting. Ironically, the man I married was someone I had previously been seriously involved with and once we broke up back then I never considered that he was the "one who got away" but when we got back together almost 8 years later I realized that I shouldn't let him get away then. Married almost 9 years.

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