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If its a date, going to the movies: What could happen, "The move" ?


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This guy has asked to meet up with me twice, he has suggested going for a drink in the past, I have now told him that I'm free from college and and asked what we should do. He said "what do you fancy?" I then said how about a drink and then a movie, to which he responded "Sounds good, I have a cinema discount so that's a possibility, anything you wanna see at the moment?" We may be going to see Pirates of the Caribbean and having an alcoholic drink first, just one of course, we're 19. Anyway if we are going to the movies out of curiosity, would that make a good date? as in how likely that something would happen whilst we would be sitting there, I guess I'm asking would he do "the move" lol? he's come behind me and hugged me in the past and he sometimes sends kisses in messages, do you folks think that this environment could lead to smooching?

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People still make out in theaters? Honestly, that **** is too expensive to waste scenes smooching away like tweens considering you can make out virtually anywhere else and for free. But, hey, so long as you're not disturbing anyone else's movie experience, I suppose you do you. In the age of Netflix and being able to swap saliva to a movie within the comfort and privacy of one's home, though, I would consider the movie theater romance a thing of the past. That said, I could be wrong... been a few years since I've been 19.


Personally, I wouldn't count on him making a move in the theater... maybe a hand grab. If he picks the back row for you two, you can start getting your hopes up a bit. I'd only do a movie date if you actually want to see a movie and talk about it afterwards. And that's why movie dates are generally considered to not be the best idea early on.

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