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I received some great advice on about not calling or texting etc for a week to see if the guy I'm with long distance wise contacts me and if anything wait a week. He had told me to give him time after we had gotten into it a bit. I can explain more if needed and have other posts that this all relates too if it helps to have the whole story from the begining, but does this mean no message of I really do care about you and thinking of you goodnight text? or do not send a care or miss u text?.. Open to any advice, I just feel completely lost since I can't really talk to my friends about it seems as they all seem to be busy with their own life and this had by far been the best relationship I've had and really really want it to work. I did mention that to him too last week when we did talk. I feel hopeless and wveryday is killing me just waiting. I try to stay distracted, but at night is the hardest whenI'm use to see him on facetime. He's the first one I think of when I have exciting news and then reize I can't yet or be happy all the way since I feel like a part of me is still missing. Thank you in advance

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Why did he ask you for time? How long have you been together? Regardless of being long distance, do you see each other in person sometimes?


Anyway, if he's asked you for space, and specially being that the only way of communicating with him is through technology, it means no contact. So it means no goodnight texts or any other communication.


And maybe you'd be surprised if you sat down with a friend and really talked to him/her. Sometimes people seem very busy, but they will stop for a few minutes for a coffee and they might listen to you. Just try. You don't have to go through things alone.

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Yes we have been dating more than a year, but ok I won't text anything to him and let him be. I just feel like its hard because it will mean he will just let me go . How much time does a guy usually mean when they say they need time to think?.., I worry he will forget about me. Maybe overeacting, but I do care about him a lot and even love him. I have friends, its just none where I am currently living at right now and since I'm a vet all my close friends are all over the map.

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If he forgets about you just because you didn't text him in a week after he asked you, then he doesn't love/care that much about you you and you have the answer you need. I can't predict the future and he might even decide that he wants to break up (we never know), but from my experience people who ask for space respect you more if you actually give them space than if you nag them or try to talk during that time. He needs time and distance to think things through and maybe even to miss you and realise he wants to keep this relationship going.

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