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Mirena coil / "womb cancer"

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I've had a Mirena coil fitted for 2 years and have suffered negative side effects ever since day 1. It just never really settled. I then had treatment to remove CIN3 cells about a year ago after a smear test.


I returned to the doctor to ask for the coil to be removed under general anaesthetic as it was so traumatic having it fitted without. They have now said I need to be tested for womb cancer.


My negative side effects included irregular bleeding, cramps, pain, and general discomfort. They want to do the test because of the irregular bleeding.


Obviously I don't know much knowledge, but I do think the irregular bleeding is due to the coil never settling down properly. This has happened with people I know who have had it too.


I'm dreading the appointment. When I had tests after my smear test, it was an invasive procedure which left me really nauseous, faint and unwell. I was dreadfully panicky and anxious for weeks and simply couldn't cope.


Has anyone ever experienced similar to this?

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I've had the Mirena done and let me reassure you, having it taken out was a RELIEF and it happened very quickly...having it put in was extremely painful and traumatic. You simply can't compare the two experiences.


After 2 years of having bad side effects and feeling awful with it, I personally would have it removed. But I wouldn't stress about the removal. It's going to be quick and you'll feel so relieved.


I hope everything works out.

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I've had the Mirena done and let me reassure you, having it taken out was a RELIEF and it happened very quickly...having it put in was extremely painful and traumatic. You simply can't compare the two experiences.


After 2 years of having bad side effects and feeling awful with it, I personally would have it removed. But I wouldn't stress about the removal. It's going to be quick and you'll feel so relieved.


I hope everything works out.


Thank you for your reply


The procedure I'm having done is actually to check for abnormal cells/womb cancer and they mentioned they may be able to remove the coil at the same time. The procedure is pretty invasive for the tests they want to do, the coil removal is just an addition they may hopefully be able to do

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I think the procedure will be uncomfortable due to checking for those abnormal cells...the actual removal of the coil (which I had by itself) is just fine though. I would definitely go through with it. Have you talked to them about them possibly sedating you? Not general anesthesia, but maybe a sedative (like a benzo) that they can give you to calm you down and make you "not care" during the procedure? You will probably not be able to drive home afterwards though, due to the drug, but if you had someone to drive you there, maybe it's something to consider.

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