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My fiancé of years thinks I cheated when I didn't. What do I do?

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My fiancé and I have an 8 year history. We dated briefly and had a daughter who is now 7. We have been back together for nearly 4 years now and are in a serious relationship. Everything was going great but unfortunately he had to do a month in jail for a traffic ticket and he is convinced I cheated on him with an old friend who gave me a ride to the doctors. I have told him time and time again nothing happened and he doesn't trust me. I am so broken inside. It's been 6 weeks since he first accused me and since then he refuses to tell me he loves me back or kiss me on the lips...but will still be sexual with me. He has done some shady things in the past and I think still is by messaging girls flirty things on Facebook. He denies it but I clearly seen it and I brush it off because I love him but he still accuses me of cheating and I have been faithful. What do I do? I need his love. I want us to be married. I love him so much

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Why do you want to marry a man who "messages flirty things" to other women and who accuses you of cheating? Not to mention, obviously it wasn't just one little traffic ticket if he had to go to jail, was it a warrant?


I mean, I get that you have a dream of having your family unit together officially, but there's an awful lot of dysfunction going on here.

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Oftentimes someone who lies, cheats is someone who accuses others of same. They know what they do when nobodys looking, and when they see other people have opportunity, they assume the same (when in truth we all have a broad array of reasons for acting the same way).

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Oh God! So, he emotionally cheats, and you let it go because you love him. How about loving yourself, and getting your self respect back.


It sounds like he has been cheating on you, a and that is why he making these accusations. Why in the hell are you giving someone sex, who is disrespecting you the way he is????? UGH!


He goes to prison for a month, due to a traffic ticket. That doesn't make any sense!


Time to wake up and dump this loser. You let this guy treat you like sh*t!

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He doesn't trust you, this is a dead relationship walking. There's nothing you can do to fix it, that change needs to come from him and if he's unable or unwilling that is that. I am really sorry things look so bleak, but I imagine a future for yourself where you are happy and free of this guy and leading a fulfilling life with no one in it who A) thinks so little if you that they would suspect you of cheating and B) doesn't think you are a liar.

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