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Complaining Boss

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Boss took away some of my hours at work, because he thinks I am not doing a good enough job. He never arpouched me about it, but rather just took away my hours and I found out that he didn't think I was doing a good enough job when I requested more. I feel like I do a very good job and even take care of things that other workers have neglected. I mostly clean at my job and I feel like I do it very well...by the time I am half way into cleaning my wash bucket is nearly black and shouldn't be if the people who clean before me are doing their job. I also take intiative to clean things that are not even specified on his list. It has really hurt me and made me feel really low about myself as I thought I was doing a really good job and now I have no idea what to think...

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I work in a gym and childcare is my main responsiblity from morning till noon. I get about an hour after that to clean up the gym like a costodian would, because he doesn't hire cleaners. He has no problem with how I work with childcare and is uninvolved in it....he just has a problem with how I clean apparently. but I felt that I did a very good job and was satisfied with it...made sure everything he wanted was done to the best possibility and then I would tackle stuff that was never even specified.

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Maybe just stick to the actual list. Items are often left off for just as much reason as they're put on.


Additionally, your first post made it sound like your entire job was cleaning, and now you're informing us it's actually just your daily wrap-up. Can't help but wonder if that same misrepresentation is being reflected in your work.


Are you perhaps using the deep cleaning as a way of compensating for any weaknesses in the main part of your job?

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Let me specify that my Boss is throughly uninvolved in my main job as a childcare attendant. He leaves everything to do with child care up to my supervisor. However he is constantly getting on to all of us about cleaning. Cleaning falls onto us as a second job, because he does not hire a cleaning service. we have three different lists for three different rooms to clean throughout the gym with only one hour to do it after childcare has closed.

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My Boss is the owner/manager of the private gym I work for. My supervisor is just the head of my division for childcare she coordinates everything having to do with our childcare positions and from what she has told me, she has no problem with how I clean or do childcare.

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Maybe it has nothing to do with how you are doing the job. It's not uncommon for people to juggle staff hours strategically. Maybe more hours would mean he'd had to pay more benefits, maybe he has someone else in mind to give other hours ... Who knows. Half the time it's not about performance, but politics just my opinion.


Is it part time or full time?

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That is what I thought at first, but when I went in and talked to my supervisor about getting a few more hours she told me that my boss was not happy about my performance and that is why my hours had declined. I did get more hours for the next month, but now I just feel deafted and low about myself. I did feel like I did a good job...always felt like a could step back and see the difference from before and after I cleaned and felt very satisfied with it but now...I just don't know...

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Your supervisor supposedly knows about these problems.


I see two possible realities: your supervisor doesn't like your performance and is being passive aggressive, or it's really your boss.


Either way, schedule a meeting with BOTH of them. Be prepared to talk about how you do your job well

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