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LDR breakup nc for a couple days , her bday is today , help !

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My love left me about a week ago claiming the distance was too much for her after a year and a half with ldr being majority of the relationship (about a year of it) I lost myself inside of the relationship and was only worried about her and it was unhealthy for the both of us . It brought out my insecurities and prior trust issues and it caused her to grow unhappy with me . I loved her with all my heart and still feel she's the best I've ever had . I was her first so I know she's suffering from the grass is greener syndrome but ik it doesn't get any better than this . I feel as if she forgot how we made each other feel because I hadn't been able to visit her for roughly 8 months and I was planning a surprise trip later this month lol . So after she left me I dedicated myself to self improvement and being the guy she fell for in the first place not the loser she felt she was stuck with. Anyway I've had nc for a couple days now , I've reconnected with friends , started being active again with running and exercising , working on my real estate license etc etc . I have every intention on winning her back because like I said she was the best (I don't know how spirtitual any of you are but I'd consider her my twin flame) so my question is , today is her bday and Ive been back and forth with myself over the idea of wishing her a good one , should I break contact to tell her ?

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Yes wish her happy birthday. You've done well to last 8 months apart so obviously have something holding you together. Give her time. It may still be worth that visit. Is it your job that makes you long distance? Why 8 months without seeing each other?

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Yes wish her happy birthday. You've done well to last 8 months apart so obviously have something holding you together. Give her time. It may still be worth that visit. Is it your job that makes you long distance? Why 8 months without seeing each other?


I was planning on still going as i have a lot of friends i was planning on seeing anyway and i had to move back with family , the reason its been so long , my former employer sold his business and moved to israel so moneys been a little tight as i tried to find another source of income

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So I told her and we exchanged I love you's and stuff and I left it at that , I went on her twitter and she tweeted haven't been this happy in a long time the other day and someone (new guy) bought her flowers... I'm losing it a little . This is my girl and I hate the thought of someone else having her because i know I can do better . Is this just the excitement of her having someone to touch again ? Should I be worried ? Did I lose her ?

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This is why she broke up citing the LDR was not working. She found a local guy. Go complete no contact no ilys etc.

I went on her twitter and she tweeted haven't been this happy in a long time the other day and someone (new guy) bought her flowers...
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Wiseman2 I knew that from the time she left , I called her on it and she insisted , trying not hurt my feelings but ik better. I just can't lose her like that , for my trip...should I try and reconnect with her ? I want this girl in my life . I've been around and no one ...no one had me like she does .

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